Ready for New Love in the New Year?

7 Easy Steps to Manifesting
New Love in the New Year!

Imagine what it would be like if you KNEW the secret to manifesting the LOVE that you want in the new year?

What if you could clear self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors that are stopping you from having the loving relationship you want?

What if you could finally have the happy, loving, relationship you want with a man who truly loves, accepts, and wants nothing more than to spend his life making you smile?

And what if there was an EASY way to manifest all of this?

Manifesting the LOVE you want is EASY,
and you’ll learn how to do this in our…


New Love in the New Year

7-Day Challenge!

Tap into your innate and irresistible power to attract and manifest
NEW LOVE into your life!

Release the past with ease and make space in your heart and life for the love you want to have.

Tap into and unleash your Irresistible Essence – the innate & natural power you have to easily manifest the love, happiness, and results your heart truly desires.

Create new and permanent thoughts, habits, and ways of being that will have you transform your life – including your love life!

We are Gladys Diaz & Michelle Roza, aka The Love Twins.

We are Certified Dating and Relationship Coaches and co-founders of Heart’s Desire International.

Over the past 10 years, we’ve empowered hundreds of women around the world to attract and meet the man of their dreams or reignite the love, passion and romance in relationships they once thought were over!

With our proven method, you can effortlessly create the loving, intimate, and lifelong relationships your heart desires with grace, ease, and fun!

A few months ago, I felt completely stuck in my past, not accepting that my marriage was over, feeling like I would never be loved again. When I started practicing the skills that Gladys and Michelle teach, I began to discover exactly what my fears were, how to go deeper within myself to dismantle these beliefs and replace them with new truth and possibilities for my new life. I began to love myself, to take care of myself, to value myself, to realize what a gift I am to all around me. Now, just a few months later, I have met the most wonderful man imaginable. I prayed for this man to be manifested into my life specifically before this holiday season, and I believe God smiled His grace upon my life and granted this request. I highly recommend working with The Love Twins if you are serious about living the life you deserve, in every area, not just in love. You CAN have it all, just believe and do something about it!
~ Candy

Before I started working with the Love Twins I had been living in the same house with my ex-boyfriend for an entire year because I was afraid to leave, I was full of insecurities and doubts about the future for my daughter and me.I was devastated, depressed, in limbo, and not sure if I would ever find love again. Until one day when I received an email from Gladys and I decided to take the leap and join their program! In the program, I was able to let go of my limiting beliefs and finally say “yes” to myself. Not only did I manage to sell the house the day after I moved and signed up for the program after not being able sell it for a year, I was able to find the perfect home for my daughter and me. A whole new world has opened up for me and I made three times more money than I had the previous year working the same amount of hours!  And if that wasn’t enough, just three months into the program I met the man of my dreams and now we are engaged to be married!   Thank you, Love Twins!
~ Denise

A few months ago I had given up hope on finding love again because I had gone through a broken relationship only 14 days before my second marriage.  I was in a dark place of hopeless despair, heartache and no plans for a future finding love with the man of my dreams. When I began to do the assignments that Gladys & Michelle teach, I learned that I was keeping myself a victim of my own thoughts, which was leaving me feeling so depressed. After practicing the skills, I started noticing myself feeling excited about life again! I felt beautiful and radiant and feminine again! I was attracting men easily, and I had a choice about who to stay with. I felt beautiful inside and out! Now, just a few months later, I’ve met a wonderful man! He treats me with unexpected surprises. He has integrity and openness and is passionate about the same things as I am. We have so much in common, it’s amazing! I am feeling LOVED blissful and happy. Miracles do happen! I know now that I have manifested love this year and called in the man of my dreams. I highly recommend working with The Love Twins if you want to find true love with the man of your dreams who will travel anywhere to be with you because he is so deeply in love with you!
~ Patricia

Sign up today and begin manifesting the love and happiness your heart desires in 2018!

Because when you do, you’ll find yourself attracting all the love you’ve ever dreamed of!

Start here to Unleash your Irresistible Essence

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