Life and Love Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
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~ George Sand
MORE Secrets for Making Love Last
by Gladys Diaz As you know, this week is "Anniversary Week," and in celebration of Ric's and my 14 years of marriage, I'm sharing 14 of the secrets for making love...
Secrets to Making Love Last
by Gladys Diaz Ric and I just celebrated our 14th Wedding Anniversary! Making it to 14 years of marriage is a pretty big deal. Making it there still feeling happy, in...
Creating a Love-of-a-Lifetime
by Gladys Diaz 15 years ago today, I had no idea just how drastically my life was about to change! It had been just under a year since my first husband had passed away,...
Celebrating My Independence Day!
by Gladys Diaz This morning, one of my first thoughts was about YOU! Why? See, today is July 7th, and it’s sort of my Independence Day. Three years ago today I...
Ready to Embrace YOUR Freedom?
by Gladys Diaz This weekend we celebrated Independence Day in the United States. While I'm always grateful to live in this country, on July 4th in particular I am...
What to Do if He Won’t Stop Watching Porn
by Gladys Diaz I received the following question from a reader in response to the article “Why Ultimatums Don’t Work in Relationships.” Hi Gladys! This is a completely...
You Need to Love Yourself More Than Him
by Gladys Diaz If you’ve ever had your heart broken, you know how difficult it can be to find the courage to move on. One of the things that can make moving...
How to Break Through Life’s Scary Moments
by Gladys Diaz This weekend, I did one of the scariest things I’ve ever done in my life, and I learned a lot about myself! As many of you know, my older son has...