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~ George Sand
Got a Question About Online Dating? Here’s the Answer!
by Gladys Diaz What is the number one question you have when it comes to online dating? These are the questions we get asked the most…. ❓ Why do I keep...
Break Your TRIGGERS To Be the Irresistible YOU!
by Gladys Diaz Imagine you were in a conversation with someone where you felt upset, pressured, threatened or angry. How would you normally respond?There was a time...
What Your Negative Thoughts Really Mean (And How To Shift Them)
by Gladys Diaz Does it seem like you always attract men who are less than what you want in a partner?Do you attract men who you feel are “out of your league” and then...
How To Take Control of the Negative Thoughts In Your Head!
by Gladys Diaz How can you decipher the “truth” of what goes on inside your head? How do you know if the negative thoughts you have (that we all have by the way) are...
How to Know If It’s a “Red Flag” or a “Fear Flag”.
by Gladys Diaz “Oh my gosh, is that a red flag?” When you’re out there dating and getting to know men, do you often find yourself thinking that question? Do you know...
Do You Really Want To Be In The Relationship Of Your Dreams?
by Gladys Diaz Do you want to be in the relationship of your dreams now?Like really ?Guess what… In the last month our clients have created 9 new committed...
The Secret To Stop Getting “Triggered”!
by Gladys Diaz Would you like to be able to feel confident in any situation or conversation you encounter that you’ll be able to handle it with grace and ease? How...
The #1 Thing Men Are Looking For In A Relationship
by Gladys Diaz Ever wonder what men are looking for in a relationship? We’ve asked many men, including our husbands, as well as looked at the research, and the top 3...