by Gladys Diaz


As a successful woman, you know that most goals require a few key components:





It’s nearly impossible to attain any goal without these. 

Stop for a moment and think about one of the goals you’ve accomplished in your life of which you are most proud. 


How much time did you put into attaining that goal?

How much attention did you give it?

How much effort went into making sure you achieved the goal?


Now, think about this: Was it worth it?


If the goal was something that is important to you, I can guarantee that the answer to the last question is a resounding “YES!”

 When we achieve a goal that is important to us – one of our heart’s desires – the time, attention, and effort we put into it seems worth it once we have what we set out to accomplish.

Why is it, then, that, when it comes to love, most women, including successful, goal-driven women, believe that “Love should just happen”?


I can’t tell you how many women tell me they want to be in a loving, committed relationship, but they don’t want to date.

 Or that, if it’s “meant to be,” the right man will just somehow magically “show up” in their lives.

 Or they want to turn their marriages or relationships around, but they don’t feel they should have to be the one making the changes.

 Anything worthwhile – including having the relationship of your dreams – takes time, attention, and effort.


Now, those of you who know Michelle and me know that we believe in the power of intention, visualization, and attraction.  What you can see, feel, and believe can manifest!


 However, there is a difference between being intentional and being hopeful.

 You may hope to meet a great man.  You may hope to turn your relationship around.  

 Hope is a powerful thing.

 However, hope without action is nothing more than a wish.


When you are being intentional about something, you are not only thinking about or envisioning it, but you are taking actions that are consistent with that intention. Your thoughts, words, actions, and ways of being are all aligned with that intention, which means everything you think, say, and do is thought, said, and done with the intention of attaining that desired goal.


So, if you’re resisting taking steps to turn your love life around, I want you to ask yourself this question:

 Is the pain, frustration, and loneliness worth it?


See, if you’re not doing anything to change the situation, all the complaining, wishing, and dreaming is not going to make a bit of difference.

 You’ve got to be willing to do something that is going to pull you forward, in the direction of your desired goal.

 Now, the effort doesn’t have to be “hard” or painful.”

 You want to take the right steps in the right sequence so that you are not wasting your time, attention and effort.


Just as in your career or business, taking the right steps at the right time and in the right order improve your chances for success dramatically!  Anything else is, as they say, like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks!

 So what are some of the steps you can take to get on track and headed in the direction of making yourself, your happiness, and your love life a priority?  If you’re a successful professional woman, some of these steps will seem familiar!  But, just as in business, knowing what they are and not doing them, makes absolutely NO difference!

1. Set a clearly defined goal for what you want to achieve.  You want to be crystal-clear about the experience you want to have in a relationship.  Not what you want him to have, look, or be like, but what you want to experience, know and feel when you are in the kind of loving relationship you want to have.

 2. Create a plan of action that propels you in the direction of your desired goal.  Think about where you want to be a year from now.  In order to be in that place – in a committed relationship, engaged to be married, on a romantic getaway with your spouse where you renew your vows to love one another for life – whatever it is, what would necessarily have to be in place a month prior to that?  3 months prior? 6 months prior? 9 months prior? TODAY?

 Working backwards in 3-month increments, write down your milestones. 

Beneath each milestone, write down 3 action steps you will take, including the steps you will take TODAY.

 3. TAKE ACTION. Writing down what you are going to do and then not do them is a sure-fire recipe for not achieving your goal.  Inaction is an action. It’s just not an action that is going to take you in the direction of your desired goal.  Staying stuck and feeling frustrated about it is just more whining, moaning, and complaining, which is not going to make a difference for you at all!


 If you’re not clear about which steps to take or which ones you should take first, then here’s your first step: Speak with someone who can guide you!  Because, the truth is that unless you’re getting direction from someone who’s been there, has the results you want and is as committed as you are to seeing you achieve your dreams, then you’re just going to be even more frustrated and exhausted, and you’ll simply reinforce the fears and limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck where you are for so long! 

 So, how can you take action toward get the support and guidance you need TODAY?


  1. Work with a relationship coach who has the result you want and can help you achieve your goal.  And, yes, I’m absolutely talking about reaching out to Michelle and me for support.  I know we can help you break through this block if you’re ready to be coached and started TODAY!  Now, here’s the thing.  You may not feel 100% ready. You probably feel a bit nervous or afraid about finally committing to making a change.  That’s perfectly natural. The great thing about working with a coach is that I can help you deal with and dismantle those fears so that you can begin moving forward!  You’re no longer in this all alone!


  1. Learn the steps you need to take to achieve your desired goal.  One of the best ways to do that is to attend a seminar that will help you get started on the path to reaching that goal. We are hosting The Irresistible Woman LIVE in a few weeks.  Make one of your TODAY goals to click below and register for that event TODAY.


 As a matter of fact, I want to see if you’re really serious about committing to getting started on this action plan.  If you are, you can click and use this special link to get 50% off the ticket price.

And, if you do Steps 1 and 2, we’ll give you a VIP ticket for the General Admission Early Bird Price!

 How’s that for committed action?

 That’s how serious we are about supporting you in reaching your desired goal!


 Remember, loving, passionate, intimate relationships – just like any worthwhile goal –  don’t “just happen.”

 They are created and nurtured every single day.

 Focus your time, attention, and effort on having the love, happiness, and success your heart desires!

 Get clear, create your plan, and take action.


Get started now by setting up a time to talk and joining us at the Irresistible Woman LIVE Event!


We promise you, having the relationship you want is worth it!


Click here to set up a time to talk and get started on your Love Action Plan!


Click here to get your VIP Ticket to The Irresistible Woman LIVE EVENT at the Early Bird Price!