by Gladys Diaz

Can Love Really Last Forever_9-12-13

The other day a friend shared with me a video about a man who had written a song for his late wife, Lorraine.  The video was about how Fred had entered a song-writing contest, and how the producers were so inspired by his story that, while the man’s song did not win the contest, they decided to move ahead with producing the song.  The video brought so much attention to the song that it was #1 on iTunes last week!

While the story of how the song came about was inspiring, and the song itself is super-sweet, the part of the video that stuck with me most was the way that Fred spoke of his Sweet Lorraine. You could see the love he felt for her when he described the day he met her, how beautiful she was, and how their life together felt like a dream.

Sweet Lorraine2

Toward the end of the video he says, “It was a wonderful 75 years, that I just often think that it was kind of unreal… dreaming or something, but it was real. That’s all I can say…real.”

This story got me thinking about so many things.  I thought about how blessed this couple was to have experienced so many wonderful years together.  I began imagining all of the ups and downs they must have experienced.  As much as they loved each other, it’s likely they had both good days and bad, that they had the occasional argument, and that they had moments where they laughed until their sides hurt.  I thought about how, in today’s day and age, it seems unreal that a couple could stay together and in love for 75 years, when so many couples go into marriage with an exit strategy in place “in case things don’t work out.”

I talk to women all the time who are either afraid to begin dating or get into a committed relationship, because they worry that eventually the love will begin to fade. What if we get bored of one another?  What if the romance begins to fade?  What if we outgrow one another?

I also work with woman who are already married and feel like the spark has begun to fade.  They’re afraid that there’s nothing they can do to turn the relationship around – so afraid, that they’ll settle, thinking “Nothing will change,” and resist taking on new habits, ways of speaking and being that can potentially transform their relationship into the loving, passionate union they once had.

The truth is that people do grow and change over the years.  Kids sometimes come into the picture, life happens, circumstances change, and all of these things can affect your relationship.  It’s also true, however, that your happiness is entirely up to you, and that you have the ability to bring more love, happiness, and peace into your relationship than you ever imagined, if you’re willing to be vulnerable and courageous enough to do it.

I think of Fred and Lorraine’s love, and I smile because I believe that this type of love is absolutely possible for everyone – yes, including you!  This is why Michelle and I are hosting a very special live event on Saturday, September 21, 2013 called, Keeping the Love Alive After ‘The Big Day.’” 

In this event, you’ll learn the secrets to keeping the love, passion and romance alive long after your wedding day.


In this seminar, you will discover:

  • How to continue becoming the best version of yourself
  • The keys to communicating in a way that has him hear what you are saying
  • The practical things you can do each day to keep the romance alive in your relationship
  • How to give your husband what he wants more than anything else (and it’s probably not what you’re thinking!)

This seminar is for you if you are:

  •  A woman who is in a committed relationship that you are hoping will lead to a happy marriage
  • A bride-to-be who is ready to learn how to make your marriage a romance that lasts for a lifetime
  • A happily married woman who is interested in taking your marriage to new levels of love, passion, and intimacy
  • A married woman who wants to discover how to bring the passion and romance back into your marriage

And, because we believe that your friends and the people with whom you surround yourself are a big part of making your relationships and marriages a success, we are offering a “BOGO with a Friend” special, so that you can buy one ticket and get the second one for 50% off!

Join us and discover how to create the foundation for living your own real-life happily ever after!

Click here to learn more and register now!


Questions?  Comments?  Let us know below! We love hearing from you!


Images courtesy of Green Shoe Studio