Say Goodbye to Doubt: How to Know If He’s the Perfect Match for You

Say Goodbye to Doubt: How to Know If He’s the Perfect Match for You

by Gladys Diaz

Are you tired of wasting time on relationships that go nowhere?

Do you find yourself constantly questioning if the man you’re with truly aligns with your vision and values?

If you’re nodding your head right now, you’re not alone. Many women find themselves stuck in the cycle of uncertainty, wasting precious time and emotional energy on men who don’t meet their standards.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Dating becomes FUN and EASY when you can confidently and quickly determine if a man is a match for your Love Vision and values. 

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. And we’re going to show you how.

The Importance of Self-Awareness

First things first, you need to know yourself. Everything starts within, and even though it might sound cliché, the foundation of any successful relationship is a deep understanding of your own love vision and values. 

We define Love Vision as what you want to experience in the Relationship of Your Dreams. 

How do you want to feel when you’re with your partner?

Do you want the relationship to feel connected, fun, and light? Are openness, passion, and intimacy things you want to experience?  

What types of activities will you do together?

Do you want to travel together? Do you want to read books and have intellectual discussions? Do you want to enjoy hiking in nature? Do you want to spend Friday nights cooking an incredible dinner together?  

What values do you want to share?

What’s most important to YOU? Do you want to be with someone who values health and adventure? Are you wanting someone who wants to create a family?

This becomes the guidebook for what you want to experience in a relationship. The more clear you are, the quicker you’ll draw it to you. The fuzzier you are, the more confusing your experience in dating will be.

Self-awareness is your compass. It guides you in the right direction and helps you recognize when something (or someone) is off course. Take some time to reflect on your past relationships. What worked? What didn’t? What values did you compromise on, and how did that make you feel? Write these down. This exercise isn’t just about identifying deal-breakers; it’s about understanding what makes you thrive in a relationship.

Communication and Consistency

Now that you’ve got a clear understanding of your own vision and values, it’s time to communicate them and watch to see if someone is aligned. This isn’t about presenting a checklist on the first date – that’s a surefire way to scare anyone off! 

Instead, it’s about weaving your values into conversations naturally and giving yourself the opportunity to observe his behavior – which will inform you of his values.

Talk about what’s important to you. Share your goals, dreams, and what you’re passionate about. This not only gives you a chance to express your values, but it also provides an opportunity to gauge his reactions and responses. 

Is he supportive? Does he share similar goals? Or is he dismissive and uninterested?

Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Words are cheap. Anyone can say they value honesty, loyalty, and respect, but do their actions align with their words? This is where you need to be vigilant. Pay close attention to his behavior.

Does he follow through on his promises? How does he treat people around him – waitstaff, friends, family? Is he consistent in his actions, or does he say one thing and do another? These observations are crucial because they reveal his true character and values.

Consistency is Crucial. One-time grand gestures are impressive, but they don’t define a person’s character. And at the same time, anyone can be nervous on a first date and not show you who they really are.

Consistency over time is what you should be looking for. Give yourself time to see if someone is aligned. 

And values aren’t about “right” or “wrong”. They’re simply about what matters to YOU and what YOU want. Everything he does (or doesn’t do) is good information to have as you move toward knowing who’s the perfect match for you.

Alignment and BE-ing Your Love Vision and Values. 

This is where you get to BE what you want to experience.

If you say health is a top value of yours, what do you do to show it? 

If you want to experience openness, fun and laughter in the Relationship of Your Dreams, who are you BE-ing to bring those feelings into your dating experiences and relationships? 

Before each and every encounter you have with men, anchor yourself in your Love Vision. 

Read your Love Vision every time before going on the dating app. 

Get yourself into the energy of your Love Vision before you go on a date. 

Envision in your mind what your Love Vision looks like before you come home to your husband. 

The more aligned you are going into each experience with men, the more you’ll be able to assess compatibility and create what you want to experience!

Final Thoughts

Finding a man who matches your love vision and values isn’t about luck – it’s about clarity, communication, and keen observation. By understanding your own values, clearly communicating them, observing his actions and consistency, and BEing what you want to experience in the relationship –  you can confidently determine if someone is the right match for you.

Where can you see your vision and values creating your Yes’s and No’s in dating? 

How can you lean more into your Love Vision to know your metric for what you want to experience? 

By following these steps, you’ll empower yourself to make informed decisions about your love life, ensuring you spend your time and energy on a relationship that’s truly worth it! 

This is just the beginning! We’ll be going even deeper into this topic during the Manifest Your Love Vision NOW Challenge! 

You’ll walk away from the Challenge with crystal-clear clarity on what you want to experience inside the Relationship of Your Dreams and next-steps on how to manifest it NOW!

Click HERE to register for the FREE Challenge.

We’ll let you know the dates for the Challenge ASAP – we can’t wait to be with you! 



Image Used from Canva Library


Communication in Relationships: The #1 Mistake Women Make and What to Do Instead

Communication in Relationships: The #1 Mistake Women Make and What to Do Instead

by Michelle Roza

Do you understand men?

Or do you find yourself asking:

What the @*!# was he thinking?

Did he really just say that?

Why doesn’t he listen to me?

If you don’t feel seen, heard and understood when you’re communicating with men, and you’re wondering why you feel so disconnected, there’s a reason AND a solution!

We’ll be diving into ALL of this at tomorrow’s Decoding Your Man Masterclass! Click here to sign-up now! 

Oh! By the way…

What we’ll be sharing isn’t only for romantic relationships and dating experiences.

The keys to communicating well with men are critical to know and understand in all of your relationships with men – fathers, brothers, and male colleagues at work.

So – want a sneak peek? 

First… It’s not personal. It’s biological!

Men aren’t just hairier, more muscular versions of women. (Surprise!) 

There’s a reason why women can multi-task and men need to focus on one thing at a time.

There’s a reason why men jump in, interrupt and try to solve your problem before you’ve even shared what you wanted to say. 

And there’s a reason why you get home from a date where you experienced so much fun and connection and then feel confused when he doesn’t ask you out again.  

It’s not a matter of intelligence or not caring. 

Men’s brains are actually wired differently than ours. 

And the differences in how they think, speak, and act can create major conflict and frustration for you (and him) if you feel like you can’t talk, communicate, or truly connect with each other. 

The good news is that, even with all of these differences, it IS possible to feel completely seen, heard, understood and loved by your man (and for him to feel the same way).

This is why we created the Decoding Your Man Masterclass – which is happening tomorrow, August 26th at 11 am EST!

Our goal is for you to understand how the differences in our biology impact every level of our relationships…

And how you can still feel empowered to have better communication, deeper connection, and real, lasting intimacy with the man you love.

It’s absolutely possible to share what you feel, think, and need in a way that leaves you BOTH feeling seen, heard, understood, and loved!

In this powerful masterclass, you’ll learn the Decoding Your Man Method as well as:

  • The #1 mistake women make when communicating with men, and what to do instead!
  • The differences between the way men’s and women’s brains are wired and how that impacts communication and romance with the opposite sex
  • Keys to avoiding arguments and misunderstandings so that you can create love and partnership in your relationship vs. working against each other
  • The secrets to knowing exactly what to say and do get the love and support you want from your partner
  • How to create a happy, loving, passionate relationship that lasts for a lifetime!
  • And so much more!

Here’s a few more questions we’ll be answering for you tomorrow: 

The reason why he says “I’m busy” when you try to ask him a question while he’s working…

The answer to why he jumps in and interrupts you when you’re simply wanting to be listened to…

And the reason why you have an incredible date but then don’t hear from him again!

We’ll be explaining so many more questions like these tomorrow and you’ll smile each time you hear yourself saying, “Aha! That explains it!”

Get ready to have your mind blown!

There’s a reason why Decoding Your Man is one of our clients’ favorite masterclasses!  

Because the knowledge and skills we’ll teach you tomorrow are the key to communicating with men in a way that he can hear and you can feel heard! 

It’s not just about knowing the facts and understanding why men do what they do. 

It’s also about having the communication skills that sets you both up to win. 

If you want to learn how to feel supported, loved and cared for by the men in your life in a way you haven’t been before… 

Then click HERE to sign up for the Decoding Your Man Masterclass!


Alone to Adored: How Three Women Created Extraordinary Love and How YOU can TOO! 

Alone to Adored: How Three Women Created Extraordinary Love and How YOU can TOO! 

by Gladys Diaz

Last week on Love Chat with The Love Twins, three successful, inspiring, beautiful women joined us to share a little about their journey to creating Extraordinary Love. 

They shared how their participation in our coaching programs impacted their relationships, career, health, and finances!

All three of them have created the Relationship of their Dreams and between them they’ve: 

  • Created clarity in their careers
  • Bought houses
  • Healed a tumor
  • Received raises and bonuses
  • Created additional friendships
  • Healed relationships with mothers and sisters
  • Are working on starting families and so much more!

If you missed it, you can watch the replay by clicking HERE! 

Jenna had a belief that men couldn’t love. For years she’d continued the pattern of rushing into relationships, becoming invested before she even really knew the man, realized he wasn’t the one and then, heartbroken, spending time getting over and moving on from the toxic relationship.

Jada had a fear of being alone which led her to get physically intimate and attached to men too soon by not communicating her boundaries and then finding out he was married, not who he said he was and that once again, this was not it!  

And Roslyn believed she wasn’t enough, which had her date unavailable men and twist herself into a pretzel to try to become whatever he wanted. This caused unnecessary drama in her life and created a spiral of continually dwindling her self-confidence.

Through the coaching they were open to and the HeartWork they did, they were able to breakthrough their sabotaging patterns and create the love they had always wanted!

They learned how to:

  • Not take things personally
  • Communicate boundaries in relationships
  • Find their voice
  • Live their values
  • Be authentic
  • Share effectively with men
  • Just to name a few!

The awesome thing is that these are all things we’ll be teaching this weekend in the Decoding Your Man Masterclass!     

Jenna, Jada and Roslyn all shared that this particular masterclass was one of the things that made a big difference for them in their journey to extraordinary love.

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, this masterclass will expand your knowledge AND skills so you can communicate and understand the men in your life – and create the type of relationships you want!

If you want to experience more love, connection and intimacy then click HERE to register for the Decoding Your Man Masterclass happening this Saturday, August 26th!

This masterclass is worth over $500 and this Saturday, you have the opportunity to attend – on us! 

Don’t miss it!  


Don’t Hit Pause on Love:The Power of Commitment and Momentum in Dating

Don’t Hit Pause on Love:The Power of Commitment and Momentum in Dating

by Gladys Diaz

Have you ever felt frustrated with dating?

We’re going to guess the answer is a resounding yes because if you’re like most of our clients, the process of dating isn’t always easy. 

You probably have a demanding career, a bustling social life and family responsibilities and you may have had the thought that “taking a break” from dating seemed like a tempting respite. 

Perhaps you’ve thought:

“I simply can’t do this anymore.”

“Why is this so hard – this must not be God’s plan for me!”

“I’m not willing to put myself through this again!”

“Maybe I should pause and focus on healing myself first.”

The allure of focusing solely on personal growth and independence can be strong, but is stepping away from the dating scene truly the best course of action? 

There are many reasons why pausing isn’t the answer. 

Continue reading for why you might want to reconsider taking a break from dating and what to do instead to embrace the journey of finding love.

What’s underneath the desire to pause? 

When you really think about it, are you wanting to put a stop to creating the relationship of your dreams? 

No! Of course you want to create the loving, kind companionship with the extraordinary man you dream of! 

The truth, is that you’re wanting to pause the frustration, the pain, the yearning, and the feeling that it may never happen for you or that it’s taking too long.

And if you’re not attracting the type of men and dating experiences you desire…

You don’t have the necessary skills to succeed at dating or you have fears, limiting beliefs and things that need to be healed…

The desire to take a break can be even stronger. 

I remember when I was in the process of dating and it got to the point where I thought, “I can’t do this anymore!” I was so frustrated with not understanding why I was creating so much success in my career, as a mother and in all my other relationships but I couldn’t get a man to want to be with me. 

It wasn’t that I wanted to put away the possibility of being loved. But I did wish I could stop experiencing the pain and heartache that came from not being able to create what I wanted or be loved the way I yearned to be loved. 

We focus our attention on the things we’re good at because we don’t want to experience discomfort. 

The thing is, it’s not in the pause, but in the stretch that we grow!

So what have you been choosing as comfortable when you choose to pause? What is really underneath the desire to take a break? 

If you can connect with what you’re choosing instead, that is where the breakthrough lies! 

Choosing Commitment over Comfort

When you take a pause from dating, you’re choosing comfort over commitment and actually works against you!

Taking a break causes more frustration, more yearning, isn’t healthy for your self-esteem and simply delays you being in the love that you want. 

When you take a pause you’re literally training yourself to:

  • Procrastinate
  • Put off your desires
  • Not rise above your limiting thoughts and behavior
  • Believe the lies
  • And stay stuck! 

When you’re in the pause – what’s growing are your limiting beliefs, fears and doubts. The longer you pause, the longer you stay stuck and the more power you give to the very thing you don’t want! 

Taking a break from dating could also inadvertently lead to emotional withdrawal and guardedness. It’s essential to keep an open heart and remain receptive to the possibility of love. By staying in the dating scene, you increase your chances of finding that special someone who resonates with your values and aspirations 

The truth is that you can have everything you want! 

If you want to experience extraordinary results in love, life, spirituality, finances – you can!! 

PLUS – You can heal AND date simultaneously!

Dating provides an opportunity to reassess and refine your expectations. While taking a break might offer temporary relief from romantic disappointments, it could also cement unrealistic ideals. Engaging in relationships allows you to confront your expectations, evolve, and cultivate a more balanced perspective on love and companionship.

As you keep shifting and transforming, you rise into the woman who will create the relationship of your dreams!

Nothing happens until you commit to it! 

When you continue to date while you rise, you stay in the commitment, you witness the changes that occur as you heal, stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, and your results will be a reflection!  

By taking action every single day toward your goal you create momentum. And that momentum is what provides the breakthroughs you need to create the relationship you dream of! 

The Next Step If You’re Committed to Creating Love NOW!

If you’re committed to creating the love of your life this year and you’re ready to become the woman who will keep her heart in the game and stay committed every single day – then you get to join us for this year’s Irresistible Woman LIVE! 

This 3-day event coming up in September is your opportunity to break through what’s in your way when it comes to love and relationships, learn how to unlock your Irresistible Essence and gain the skills to create success in love now. 

You won’t be the same person when you leave this event!

What you’re going to learn, see and experience in that (virtual) room is something you don’t want to miss!  

 Click HERE to claim your ticket the Irresistible Woman LIVE!

The fact is – How quickly you create the relationship of your dreams depends on how quickly you take your foot off the brake and get out of the gap that’s not working.

It’s up to you – and we want to see you there! 

Remember, while taking a break from dating might seem like a tempting escape, it’s important to consider the benefits of staying in the game. 

The journey of finding love is not just about the destination; it’s about the valuable experiences, personal growth, and lessons learned along the way. By embracing the challenges, rejections, and triumphs that come with dating, you position yourself for a more fulfilling and enriched romantic life. 

Rather than stepping away and keeping yourself stuck, consider committing even deeper to the relationship of your dreams and join us the Irresistible Woman LIVE.


Discover the 3 Self-Saboteurs Keeping You from the Right Man!

Discover the 3 Self-Saboteurs Keeping You from the Right Man!

by Gladys Diaz

Are you finding yourself on an endless carousel of disappointing dates? 

Are you attracting the wrong type of men, time and again? 

Perhaps it’s not simply a matter of luck or circumstance, but of unconscious self-sabotage.

Sabotage is doing anything that’s not aligned with what you say you desire.

The reason why it’s unconscious is because you don’t realize you’re doing it! I’m sure you don’t wake up in the morning and think, “I can’t wait to sabotage my day (or love life)!” 

Even so, the truth is – you’re always manifesting something, whether it’s what you want or what you don’t want.

And if you want to be in an extraordinary relationship, and you’re not – something is getting in the way. 

Keep reading to explore three common self-saboteurs that might be hindering you from attracting the right man. Once you’re aware of these, you’ll be better equipped to make positive changes that can drastically improve your dating experiences.

Saboteur #1: Behaviors and Patterns

Since we said that most (if not all) self-sabotaging is unconscious, the easiest way to know if you’re self-sabotaging is to look at the behaviors and patterns that are not aligned with what you say you want. 

Do you tolerate disrespectful behavior?

Do you not set or maintain your values and boundaries?

Do you constantly put others’ needs before your own?

Do you notice you settle for whatever’s showing up?

Do you get angry when a guy doesn’t call you for a 2nd date? 

Do you write someone off before giving yourself a chance to get to know them because they aren’t tall enough, have been divorced or have kids?

Do you shut down and “take a break” from dating (perhaps for longer than really necessary) after a disappointing dating experience?   

These are all examples of behaviors that can sabotage your dating experiences that you may not recognize. 

Knowing what you want to experience inside the relationship of your dreams and BEing the woman who knows she can have it all supports you in transforming these behaviors and patterns that may be getting in the way.

When working to transform your actions it’s important to look for what thoughts are underneath them and driving the behavior.  

Saboteur #2: Limiting Beliefs and Fears

The #1 most significant and common self-saboteur is overlooking the thoughts that are sabotaging you. Your thoughts lead to your behavior which leads to the patterns you’ve developed and the results you create.  

What you attract is an energetic match for what you truly believe.  In other words, you attract what you are, not what you want. 

So, if you’re carrying unresolved issues, harboring negativity, or stuck in unhealthy patterns, you’re likely to attract individuals who mirror these same characteristics.

If you’re afraid you’re going to end up with a man who’s controlling, that’s probably exactly what you’re attracting – controlling men. 

If you think all men are liars and cheaters, what will you attract? Men who don’t follow through with what they say and aren’t ready to commit. 

Invest time in understanding and improving your thought patterns. If you’d like support with distinguishing, dismantling and replacing sabotaging thoughts, schedule a Love Breakthrough Session! 

On this call we’ll support you to discover the thoughts that are leading to the dating experiences you don’t want so you can have a breakthrough and begin to create the results you desire! 

Click HERE to Book your Complimentary Love Breakthrough Session Now! 

By focusing on becoming the best version of you, you’ll naturally become more attractive to those who value and appreciate the qualities you’ve nurtured within yourself.

Saboteur #3: Clinging to What you Know and Not Getting Curious About What’s Not Working

If you want to be in the relationship of your dreams and you’re not – something is getting in the way.

I promise you, these are not the issues:  

  • Where you live 
  • What you do for a living
  • How much you weigh 
  • Your age
  • How much debt you have
  • How many prior relationship you have (or haven’t) been in
  • There’s no good men out there or all the good ones are already taken

Holding onto these sabotaging and circumstantial beliefs can set you up for constant disappointment and make you overlook potentially great matches because they don’t fit your preconceived mold or because you don’t think you’re ready or deserving of love.

If you’re not attracting the type of man you’d like or creating the results you desire in dating and relationships, get curious and ask yourself, “Why am I attracting this?”

Attracting the right man is not about getting on the “right” dating apps or wearing the right outfit. It’s about introspection, self-improvement, and maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth. 

If you find yourself constantly attracting the wrong kind of men, perhaps it’s time to step back and examine these areas of your life. 

Avoid these self-sabotaging mistakes, and you’ll create a path to attract a partner who values, respects, and cherishes you, just as you are.

If you’d like support in having a breakthrough, then click HERE to schedule a Love Breakthrough Call with one of our fabulous Love Coaches. 

Take this opportunity for yourself to overcome the thought and behavior patterns that are sabotaging your love life! 

Remember, the journey to finding the right person often starts with being the right person to yourself. It’s time to become the person who attracts the love you deserve.


Reclaiming Your Power and Attracting the Love You Truly Deserve

Reclaiming Your Power and Attracting the Love You Truly Deserve

by Gladys Diaz

One of the things we hear most from women is that they’re struggling to let go of a relationship – either a toxic relationship from the past or a “situationship” they’re currently in that’s not going anywhere. 

They want to be able to break ties with their ex so they can be truly ready to attract the man who will be by their side forever. 

They want to let go of the fear of rejection and allow themselves to really be seen, heard and loved! 

They share that they have thoughts like this: 

“Why can’t I let this go?”

“Why am I still stuck on this one person?”
“How will I ever move on from this toxic experience so I can have real love?”

“When am I going to stop settling for crumbs so that I can love and be loved the way I really want?”

Is this something you’ve dealt with (or are currently trying to break free from) too?

If being able to let go of past heartbreaks so you can manifest the committed relationship of your dreams is what you want, then this is for you.

Letting go can be challenging, but it’s essential for your growth and for opening up space in your heart to welcome true love. It involves recognizing what you’re holding onto, defining what it is that you really want and choosing to be in the relationship that is aligned.

So what does a toxic relationship look like? 

  • Emotional/physical abuse
  • Verbal disrespect
  • Hurting each other on purpose
  • Brings out the worst in you or the other person
  • Manipulation
  • With someone who’s unavailable (married, separated, “getting divorced”) 
  • Thinking you can “change” the person
  • Trying to “convince” them to want to commit to you or that they eventually will if you stay there long enough. 

Basically any relationship where you have more unhappy moments than happy moments is toxic.

And yes, this includes situationships.

A “situationship” is where you’re spending time with someone and acting like you’re his girlfriend, when you’re not.

Even if you’re sleeping together, until he tells you straight that he wants to be committed to you, that he doesn’t want to see any other women and that he wants you to be committed to him – then it’s not a relationship. 

If you say, “Well, it’s complicated.” 

It’s not a relationship. 

If you say, “We have an understanding and we’re both okay with it.”

It’s not a relationship.

If you have to ask him, “Where is this going?” then you already have your answer. 

It’s not a relationship. 

It’s either a relationship or it’s not and if it’s not and you’re acting like it is then you’re becoming emotionally attached and he’s not. 

You may ask, “What’s so wrong with that?” 

Here’s the problem with emotionally investing in a relationship that’s not reciprocated… 

The heartache of breaking a situationship is just as bad and hurts just as much as breaking a real relationship (sometimes even more so). 


Because you’ve invested so much emotion, time, attention and hope into something that wasn’t real anyway. 

When you do that, you’re not only lying to yourself but over time you’ll feel resentment, regret, anger and like he used you (even though you were a willing participate). 

These emotions – resentment, blame, anger, guilt, shame and regret – are toxic emotions that can be hard to move on from. You feel these emotions towards yourself and then project them onto the other person because you didn’t honor your boundaries, your dream, your vision. 

Why would you do that to yourself? 

We know that being alone can feel hard and painful sometimes, but here’s the truth: 

Being in a relationship that’s anything less than what you really want is just as painful. 

Even if it’s fun and passionate and exciting for a few weeks, it always ends in these toxic emotions and experiences that are hard to let go of and move on from.

We’ve coached women who have waited 2 years, 5 years, 12 years, 17 years for someone they thought they were in a relationship with to choose them!

If commitment and marriage is something you want, and for most of the women in our community that is what they want – then this is heartbreaking! 

Most don’t want a long-term relationship. They don’t want something where they constantly have to wonder if he’s seeing other women, sleeping with someone else or if it’s ever going to go anywhere. 

They want love, companionship and commitment. 

So why do women stay in relationships or “situationships” that aren’t everything they want? 

  • Fear that they’re never going to find what they want. 
  • Feeling like something is better than nothing. 
  • A belief that they type of man and relationship isn’t out there. 
  • Not being clear on what they really want and then settling for whatever comes. 

 If you’re tired of not being in the relationship you want or settling for anything less… 

Join us next Saturday for the Attract the RIGHT Man Masterclass!

 In the Attract the RIGHT Man Masterclass, you’ll discover exactly what to stop doing and what to start doing, instead, so that you can easily let go of past toxic experiences and attract the perfect match for you.

 You’ll learn how to easily and effortlessly attract the right man without wasting time, struggling, or settling.

 These are the same steps we’ve taught and helped hundreds of women around the world meet the man they end up marrying in 30-90 days!

 Why would you sentence yourself to “less than”?

 Register for the free masterclass by clicking the link above and we’ll see you next Saturday!