Mythbusters! How to Build a Relationship Without Losing Who You Are

Mythbusters! How to Build a Relationship Without Losing Who You Are

by Michelle Roza

Do you have a fear of losing yourself in a relationship? 

You’re not alone. It’s one of the biggest fears many women have when it comes to love.

You’ve heard the stories, seen it happen to friends, and maybe even lived it yourself: 

You start off strong, confident, and vibrant, and then somewhere along the way, you find yourself bending, compromising, and shrinking just to keep the relationship going. Before you know it, you’re playing the role of someone else—someone who’s not the real you. 

It’s a story as old as time, but here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be YOUR story.

This week, we debunked the myth that being in a relationship means losing yourself. (If you missed this week’s LIVE Love Chat With The Love Twins, click HERE to Watch the Replay!)

Because the truth is, real love doesn’t ask you to give up who you are. In fact, it allows you to become even MORE of who you are.

The Myth: Losing Yourself in Love

There’s a lot of nonsense out there about what it means to be in a relationship. 

You might have heard that being in love means sacrificing who you are, giving up your dreams, or becoming half of a whole. 

Well, we’re here to tell you it’s a total myth. 

You don’t have to give up who you are to find love; in fact, holding on to your values, your quirks, and your dreams is what creates a magnetic pull for the right kind of love.

The Truth: The Right Relationship EXPANDS You

Research shows that the right relationship is one where both partners grow and expand. 

A study from Carnegie Mellon University found that people in supportive, loving relationships are more likely to take on new challenges, pursue their personal goals, and grow as individuals. 

They’re healthier, happier, and more confident. And yes, this applies to both men and women!

When you’re with the right partner, you don’t lose your identity; you enhance it. 

You become more of who you are. In the right relationship, you don’t have to hide parts of yourself or settle for less. Instead, you and your partner grow together, enriching each other’s lives.

Healing the Patterns That Created This Fear

But we get it: there’s a reason this fear exists. 

Maybe you’ve been in relationships in the past where you did lose yourself. You might have changed your appearance, put your dreams on the back burner, or even let go of your core values just to keep the peace. 

That’s not your fault; it’s a pattern that many women fall into, often without realizing it.

The key to breaking this pattern is to heal the wounds that created it. You see, when we don’t fully love and accept who we are, we look for validation in our partners. We let their opinions and desires dictate our actions, and slowly but surely, we lose sight of ourselves. 

To break free, you need to do the inner work: recognize where these fears come from and choose to let them go.

At the Irresistible Woman LIVE 3-Day Event, we dive deep into uncovering these patterns and fears that have kept you from showing up as the woman you truly are. Because when you understand where these fears originated, you can rewrite your story and step into a new chapter—one where you create a relationship that honors YOU.

The Difference Between Independent, Co-dependent, and Interdependent Relationships

Now, let’s break down the different types of relationships, so you know what to aim for and what to avoid.

  • Independent Relationships: In these relationships, each partner operates in their own bubble. There’s little sharing, support, or deep connection. While independence is important, when taken to an extreme, it can lead to loneliness and emotional distance.
  • Co-dependent Relationships: This is where you lose yourself. You become overly reliant on your partner for validation, support, and even your sense of identity. You bend over backward to meet their needs, often at the expense of your own. It’s an unhealthy dynamic that can feel suffocating and draining.
  • Interdependent Relationships: Ah, this is the sweet spot! Interdependence means that you and your partner are strong individuals who choose to support, love, and grow with each other. You don’t need each other to be whole, but you choose to share your lives and lift each other higher. You maintain your individuality while building a life together.

Interdependence is where love truly thrives, and it’s where you can grow without losing yourself. It’s about being two whole people who come together to create something even more beautiful!

Living Your Values: The Key to Lasting Love

Remember the movie Runaway Bride? Julia Roberts’ character didn’t even know how she liked her eggs because she always adapted to the preferences of whichever man she was with. She’d completely lose touch with her own desires and values. Sound familiar?

When you don’t know what you stand for, you’re easily swayed by others’ opinions. And in relationships, this is a recipe for disaster. 

But when you’re confident in who you are and live your values consistently, you not only feel more empowered, but you also attract a partner who loves you for exactly who you are.

Living your values means knowing what’s important to you—whether it’s honesty, adventure, kindness, or growth—and standing by those principles, even when it’s not easy. 

When you do this, you’ll naturally attract someone who respects those values and lives their own as well. The right man won’t want you to change; he’ll love you for who you are and join you on the journey of life!

Debunking the Mirror Myth: Disagreement Is Not a Bad Thing!

There’s another myth out there that says your partner should be your mirror, someone who thinks exactly like you and agrees with everything you say. 


You and your partner are two unique individuals, which means you’ll have different perspectives. And that’s okay!

The beauty of interdependence is that it allows space for both partners to be themselves. You don’t have to agree on everything. In fact, the healthiest relationships are those where partners respect each other’s differences and find ways to grow from them. Disagreements are an opportunity to learn, expand, and deepen your connection.

You Can Have the Life and Love Your Heart Desires

So, here’s the truth: you can love without losing yourself. You can find a partner who celebrates who you are, who joins you in living a life of growth, and who stands by your side as you both pursue your dreams. 

You deserve that kind of love, and it’s 100% possible for you.

If you’re ready to break free from the fears that have held you back and learn how to show up as the woman you declare yourself to be, we invite you to join us at the Irresistible Woman LIVE event. This is your chance to uncover the patterns of the past, step into your power, and create the relationship you’ve always dreamed of.

Love doesn’t mean losing yourself; it means becoming the fullest version of who you are. 

And we’re here to show you exactly how to make that happen.

Join us at Irresistible Woman LIVE and learn how to love in a way that honors your values, your desires, and the woman you’re meant to be. 

Because when you do, you’ll attract a love that celebrates you and a partner who grows with you.

Your next chapter is waiting. Are you ready to say YES to it? 💖


Don’t Settle in Love: The Secret to Getting the Relationship You Truly Want

Don’t Settle in Love: The Secret to Getting the Relationship You Truly Want

by Gladys Diaz

Have you ever settled for less than what your heart truly desires?

Compromising your values, or worse, convincing yourself that what you’re getting is as good as it gets? 

Settling is the silent killer of dreams and desires. 

This is such an important topic because, let’s be real – it’s not just about romantic love; it’s about self-worth, self-respect, and ultimately, the quality of life you’re creating for yourself.

Why You Settle: The Fear That You Can’t Have What You Really Want

At the root of settling is a deep-seated fear: the fear that you can’t have the fullness that your heart desires. 

  • You may have been burned in the past. 
  • Maybe you’ve faced rejection, heartache, or betrayal. 

These fears try to convince you that this is as good as it gets, that there’s nothing you can do about it, and that you’re alone. 

Over time, these experiences chip away at your belief in what’s possible, creating a nagging voice in your head that says, “Maybe this is as good as it gets” or “This must be all I deserve.

It’s that fear whispering in your ear that you should lower your expectations, make compromises, and stop asking for too much.

But here’s the truth: When you settle in love, you’re not just settling in relationships… 

You’re settling in life. 

You’re telling yourself that your dreams don’t matter, that your desires are too grand, too unrealistic. And that, my friend, is a lie.

The Vicious Cycle: How Settling Creates More Disappointment

When you settle, you set off a vicious cycle. 

You accept less than what you truly want, which leads to a string of disappointing experiences. These experiences then reinforce the very fears and limiting beliefs that caused you to settle in the first place.

Let’s break it down:

  1. You Settle: You accept a relationship that doesn’t truly fulfill you because you believe it’s the best you can get.
  2. You Experience Disappointment: Because you’ve settled, the relationship doesn’t meet your needs, and you feel unfulfilled, frustrated, and maybe even resentful.
  3. Your Beliefs Harden: The disappointment reinforces your belief that you can’t have what you truly want, which makes you more likely to settle again in the future.

And so the cycle continues, keeping you trapped in a loop of dissatisfaction and despair.

Breaking the Cycle: Get 100% Clear on What You Want

The first step to breaking this cycle is to get crystal clear on what you do want and why you’re settling for less. 

I’m not talking about some vague notion of “happiness” or “a good partner.” I’m talking about getting down to the nitty-gritty details of what your heart truly desires in a relationship.

  • What are your non-negotiables? 
  • What do you value most? 
  • What kind of love do you dream about when you’re lying in bed at night? 

Be specific. Be unapologetic. And most importantly, don’t let fear or past disappointments color your vision.

This clarity is crucial because it serves as your compass. Without it, you’re wandering aimlessly, easily swayed by fear, doubt, or the shiny distractions of relationships that seem “good enough” or “just for now.” 

But with it, you become unstoppable. You can confidently reject anything that doesn’t align with your vision because you know exactly what you’re aiming for.

The Difference Between Unrealistic Expectations and High Standards

Now, let’s clear up a common misconception: the difference between unrealistic expectations and high standards.

Unrealistic expectations are demands you place on a partner that are either impossible to meet or based on fantasy. They might involve expecting someone to always make you happy, never have flaws, or fulfill all your needs. 

Expectations often leave you waiting, hoping someone will rise to the occasion, and they’re a recipe for disappointment because no one is going to always say or do exactly what you want them to.

High standards, on the other hand, are non-negotiables that align with your core values and desires. They’re based on what you know you deserve and what you’re willing to give in return. High standards are about maintaining the integrity of your Love Vision and not compromising on what truly matters to you.

Having high standards doesn’t mean you’re being picky or difficult; it means you’re protecting your happiness, your future, and your heart. It means you know what you want and that you deserve the kind of relationship that will bring you joy, growth, and fulfillment.

Aligning Your Standards with What You Want to Experience

To stop settling in love, you need to align your standards with what you want to experience in dating and relationships. This means living in accordance with your values and being clear about the kind of love you want to create.

  1. Identify Your Core Values: What are the principles that matter most to you in a relationship? Honesty? Respect? Growth? 
  2. Set Non-Negotiables: These are the deal-breakers—the things you absolutely must have in a relationship. Don’t compromise on these, no matter what.
  3. Be Willing to Walk Away: If a relationship doesn’t meet your standards, have the courage to walk away. It’s better to be alone than to be in a relationship that isn’t what you truly want.
  4. Stay True to Your Vision: Don’t let fear or doubt cloud your judgment. Hold onto the vision of the love you want, and don’t settle for anything less.

Conclusion: Claim the Love You Deserve

Settling in love is a choice. 

It’s a choice to give in to fear, to compromise on your dreams, and to accept less than what you truly want. But it’s also a choice that you can stop making today.

By getting clear on what you want, distinguishing between unrealistic expectations and high standards, and aligning your standards with your core values, you can break the cycle of disappointment and create the love you deserve.

If you’d like support in getting clear on your values, what you want in a relationship, or how to walk away from something that you know in your heart isn’t what you want – book a call with our coaches.

On this Love Breakthrough Call, our team will work with you to create a step-by-step plan with you so you can stop settling and start creating exactly what you want and more!

Click HERE to Book Your Love Breakthrough Call Now!

Stand for the love that aligns with your heart’s desires, and don’t settle for anything less. Your future self will thank you.


How to Transform Your Love Story: 24 years of Joy Begins Today!  

How to Transform Your Love Story: 24 years of Joy Begins Today!  

by Gladys Diaz

Today, Ric & I are celebrating our 24th Wedding Anniversary!

“24 years of marriage…”

It feels surreal, especially when I once thought I’d never love again.

What fills my heart with joy is that we’re more in love than ever! 

Here’s what I know – reaching 24 years of marriage, 25 years together, and still being happy, best friends, with love, connection, intimacy, and adventure in our relationship isn’t something that “just happens,” no matter how “perfect” a match seems.

Do you want to know how to break through the patterns that are holding you back in love?

How to move past the fears that are keeping you from the relationship you want?
Are you willing to step outside of your comfort zone so you can create the type of relationship where you have 24, 64, 78 years together!

If you’re ready to transform your love life, then skip the reading, get all the juicy details, and claim your spot here: Join Us LIVE at No Cost this Saturday, July 20th, 2024.

Click the link above, secure your complimentary seat, and embark on your journey to creating a loving, lasting relationship with a high-quality man who will cherish you forever.

During these 3 hours together, you’ll learn how to:

💖 Easily attract a strong, confident man who is inspired and NOT intimidated by a successful woman like you

💖 Naturally become the kind of woman a man can’t help but fall in love with (without changing who you are)

💖 Create a lifelong relationship that adds joy and love to your life, and deepens over time, so you have someone to share all the wonders of life with

Join us for this transformative training and learn how to create the loving, supportive, and fulfilling relationship you want, where you get to experience everything you imagine love to be—and MORE. 🌟

If you’re ready to make your love story extraordinary – then click below to claim your spot NOW! 💖

Click HERE to Register for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

It’s your turn to meet the love of your life and start celebrating year after year of “Meet-a-Versaries,” “Kiss-a-Versaries,” and Wedding Anniversaries!

24 years from now you could be looking back at this Saturday, remembering the transformation you experienced that led to you creating your great love story.

Register for your spot at the Masterclass, and let’s begin writing YOUR story now!


How to Create Your Dream Love Story: Consistent Steps to Heartfelt Success!

How to Create Your Dream Love Story: Consistent Steps to Heartfelt Success!

by Michelle Roza

Are you ready to revolutionize your love life and create the relationship you’ve always dreamed of? Imagine a life filled with passion, deep connection, and a partner who cherishes you every single day.

Sounds like a fairy tale, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be.

We’re here to tell you that you can manifest this reality, but it requires more than just hoping and dreaming. It demands clarity, determination, and consistent action. 

So how do you create that consistency, no matter what you may be experiencing in your daily life? 

1) Get Clear on What You Want

The first step to creating your love vision is to get crystal clear on what you want. Why? 

Your brain is always looking for what’s familiar, even if it’s not what you want, and when you go for comfort and familiarity, you repeat the past. You go back to the same guy, or you attract a new man who reminds you of someone from your past. 

Here’s the thing – Your Love Vision gets to be bigger than one guy or your past! 

So how do you get clear on what you want? 

Start by asking yourself some deep, introspective questions:

  • When I’m in the Relationship of My Dreams, what are three things you want to experience?
  • How do I want to feel in my relationship?
  • What values and interests should we share?

Take time to write these down. Be specific. 

Don’t just settle for “I want someone who loves me.” Dig deeper. Get detailed!

Do you want a relationship that’s full of adventure, support, and travel? 

A relationship where you both value personal growth, where you share a positive outlook on life and work together to create the life you truly want? 

Clarity is power. The more precise you are, the easier it is for the universe (and your subconscious mind) to align with your desires. When you know exactly what you want, you create a clear target to aim for.

2) Move Out of What’s Blocking You

Now that you know what you want, it’s time to clear the path. 

This step is all about identifying and removing the blocks that have been holding you back. These blocks can be limiting beliefs, past traumas, or even negative patterns you’ve picked up over the years.

Moving out of your blocks is like clearing the debris from a path; it allows you to walk smoothly towards your goal without tripping over old baggage.

If you’d like to identify your blocks, challenge beliefs that aren’t working, heal unresolved issues from the past that can sabotage your present and future relationships – then join us for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

In this Masterclass, we’ll support you in recognizing the challenges you’re experiencing right now that are getting in the way of your Love Vision and heal them so you can BE the women who can walk away from the things that aren’t aligned with what you want. 

So you can create your Love Vision NOW! Click HERE to Register! 

3) Become the Woman You’ve Always Wanted to Be

This step is about personal transformation. 

To attract the love you desire, you need to become the best version of yourself. It’s not about changing who you are, but about evolving into the person who naturally attracts and maintains a healthy, loving relationship.

Here’s how to get started: 

  • Self-Improvement: Invest in your personal growth. This can be through reading, attending seminars, or taking courses. Focus on areas that need improvement, such as communication skills, self-esteem, or emotional intelligence.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize your well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are non-negotiables. When you feel good, you radiate confidence and positivity.
  • Hobbies and Interests: Engage in activities that you love. This not only makes you more interesting but also allows you to meet like-minded individuals.

Becoming the woman you’ve always wanted to be is about aligning your actions, thoughts, and feelings with the person you envision yourself to be. It’s about stepping into your power and living authentically.

4) Manifest It

Manifestation is the process of bringing your vision into reality through focused intention and action. It’s about harnessing the power of your mind to attract what you desire.

And it takes consistency. 

Now that sounds nice, but I probably don’t have to tell you that you can’t rely on willpower alone. 

You have a finite amount of willpower, and when it runs out, you will go back to what’s comfortable and familiar. Those old patterns and ways of being that may feel good, but aren’t working. 

So how do you stay consistent, when will-power runs out?  

When you don’t have the resources or energy to stay consistent with your Love Vision, make sure you do something every single day that makes you happy AND is good for you. – Something that connects you to your vision. 

Dedicate time each day to your love vision practices. 

Whether it’s morning visualization, taking time in a gratitude journal, going for a walk or a bike-ride, whatever makes you happy and gives you back energy.  Make it a absolute non-negotiable part of your day.

And remember to acknowledge and celebrate your progress. Every step forward is a step closer to your goal!

Creating the love life you desire is a journey, not a sprint. It requires clarity, clearing your blocks, becoming your best self, and manifesting with intention. But most importantly, it requires consistency. 

By integrating these practices into your daily life, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the love of your life.

In order to create your Love Vision, you must BE the woman who aligns with that vision AND take steps that will support you attract and create the Relationship of Your Dreams. 

By integrating these practices into your daily life, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the love of your life.

If you’d like even more, join us next Saturday, July 20th for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

This 3-hour exclusive training will support you in getting crystal-clear on who you are and the kind of experience you want to have in a loving relationship so that you attract and create the Relationship of Your Dreams with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!

Click here to Register for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

Ready to transform your love life, {{contact.first_name}}? Start today, and watch your love vision become your reality.



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Say Goodbye to Doubt: How to Know If He’s the Perfect Match for You

Say Goodbye to Doubt: How to Know If He’s the Perfect Match for You

by Gladys Diaz

Are you tired of wasting time on relationships that go nowhere?

Do you find yourself constantly questioning if the man you’re with truly aligns with your vision and values?

If you’re nodding your head right now, you’re not alone. Many women find themselves stuck in the cycle of uncertainty, wasting precious time and emotional energy on men who don’t meet their standards.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Dating becomes FUN and EASY when you can confidently and quickly determine if a man is a match for your Love Vision and values. 

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. And we’re going to show you how.

The Importance of Self-Awareness

First things first, you need to know yourself. Everything starts within, and even though it might sound cliché, the foundation of any successful relationship is a deep understanding of your own love vision and values. 

We define Love Vision as what you want to experience in the Relationship of Your Dreams. 

How do you want to feel when you’re with your partner?

Do you want the relationship to feel connected, fun, and light? Are openness, passion, and intimacy things you want to experience?  

What types of activities will you do together?

Do you want to travel together? Do you want to read books and have intellectual discussions? Do you want to enjoy hiking in nature? Do you want to spend Friday nights cooking an incredible dinner together?  

What values do you want to share?

What’s most important to YOU? Do you want to be with someone who values health and adventure? Are you wanting someone who wants to create a family?

This becomes the guidebook for what you want to experience in a relationship. The more clear you are, the quicker you’ll draw it to you. The fuzzier you are, the more confusing your experience in dating will be.

Self-awareness is your compass. It guides you in the right direction and helps you recognize when something (or someone) is off course. Take some time to reflect on your past relationships. What worked? What didn’t? What values did you compromise on, and how did that make you feel? Write these down. This exercise isn’t just about identifying deal-breakers; it’s about understanding what makes you thrive in a relationship.

Communication and Consistency

Now that you’ve got a clear understanding of your own vision and values, it’s time to communicate them and watch to see if someone is aligned. This isn’t about presenting a checklist on the first date – that’s a surefire way to scare anyone off! 

Instead, it’s about weaving your values into conversations naturally and giving yourself the opportunity to observe his behavior – which will inform you of his values.

Talk about what’s important to you. Share your goals, dreams, and what you’re passionate about. This not only gives you a chance to express your values, but it also provides an opportunity to gauge his reactions and responses. 

Is he supportive? Does he share similar goals? Or is he dismissive and uninterested?

Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Words are cheap. Anyone can say they value honesty, loyalty, and respect, but do their actions align with their words? This is where you need to be vigilant. Pay close attention to his behavior.

Does he follow through on his promises? How does he treat people around him – waitstaff, friends, family? Is he consistent in his actions, or does he say one thing and do another? These observations are crucial because they reveal his true character and values.

Consistency is Crucial. One-time grand gestures are impressive, but they don’t define a person’s character. And at the same time, anyone can be nervous on a first date and not show you who they really are.

Consistency over time is what you should be looking for. Give yourself time to see if someone is aligned. 

And values aren’t about “right” or “wrong”. They’re simply about what matters to YOU and what YOU want. Everything he does (or doesn’t do) is good information to have as you move toward knowing who’s the perfect match for you.

Alignment and BE-ing Your Love Vision and Values. 

This is where you get to BE what you want to experience.

If you say health is a top value of yours, what do you do to show it? 

If you want to experience openness, fun and laughter in the Relationship of Your Dreams, who are you BE-ing to bring those feelings into your dating experiences and relationships? 

Before each and every encounter you have with men, anchor yourself in your Love Vision. 

Read your Love Vision every time before going on the dating app. 

Get yourself into the energy of your Love Vision before you go on a date. 

Envision in your mind what your Love Vision looks like before you come home to your husband. 

The more aligned you are going into each experience with men, the more you’ll be able to assess compatibility and create what you want to experience!

Final Thoughts

Finding a man who matches your love vision and values isn’t about luck – it’s about clarity, communication, and keen observation. By understanding your own values, clearly communicating them, observing his actions and consistency, and BEing what you want to experience in the relationship –  you can confidently determine if someone is the right match for you.

Where can you see your vision and values creating your Yes’s and No’s in dating? 

How can you lean more into your Love Vision to know your metric for what you want to experience? 

By following these steps, you’ll empower yourself to make informed decisions about your love life, ensuring you spend your time and energy on a relationship that’s truly worth it! 

This is just the beginning! We’ll be going even deeper into this topic during the Manifest Your Love Vision NOW Challenge! 

You’ll walk away from the Challenge with crystal-clear clarity on what you want to experience inside the Relationship of Your Dreams and next-steps on how to manifest it NOW!

Click HERE to register for the FREE Challenge.

We’ll let you know the dates for the Challenge ASAP – we can’t wait to be with you! 



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90 Days to True Love: Step-by-Step Guide to Manifest Your Dream Relationship This Summer!

90 Days to True Love: Step-by-Step Guide to Manifest Your Dream Relationship This Summer!

by Gladys Diaz

Are you tired of spending another summer single, watching couples enjoy the warm weather while you sit on the sidelines? 

Imagine what it would feel like to finally manifest the love you’ve always dreamed of in just 90 days. Yes, it’s possible, and we’re here to show you how.

Welcome to the ultimate guide on manifesting your Love Vision – THIS Summer. By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to manifesting a love that aligns perfectly with your vision and values. 

This isn’t about wishful thinking or waiting for fate to intervene. It’s about taking control, making deliberate choices, and attracting the partner who aligns with your deepest values and desires. 

Step 1: Crystalize Your Love Vision

The first step in manifesting your true love is to get crystal clear about what you want. This isn’t a vague list of qualities like “kind” or “funny.” I mean a detailed, vivid picture of your ideal relationship.

Visualize your Love Vision – What you want to experience inside the Relationship of Your Dreams:

What values does your ideal partner hold?

How do you feel when you’re with him? 

What types of activities do you like to do together? 

What are your shared goals and dreams?

Write It Down. Create a vision board or a detailed journal entry that describes your ideal relationship in every detail. 

The more specific you are, the better. This exercise isn’t just about dreaming – it’s about setting a clear intention for what you want to attract.

Step 2: Clear Out Emotional Clutter

You can’t attract true love if you’re carrying around emotional baggage from the past. Toxic emotions like resentment, fear, and doubt act like invisible barriers, blocking you from being able to create the love you desire.

Identify and Release Toxic Emotions:

  • Reflect on past relationships and identify any unresolved emotions.
  • Practice forgiveness – Let go of the past to make room for the future.
  • Replace these negative thoughts with new positive beliefs. Every morning, remind yourself that you are worthy of love and that your ideal partner is on their way to you.

Step 3: Take Inspired Action

Manifestation isn’t about sitting back and waiting for things to happen. It’s about taking inspired action that aligns with your love vision.

Put Yourself Out There: 

  • Join social clubs, attend events, and put yourself in situations where you can meet new people.
  • Update your online dating profile to reflect your true self and what you’re looking for.
  • Let people in your life who you know well, that you’re ready to create an incredible relationship if they know anyone that may be a fit for you.

No matter where you meet, be genuine in your interactions. Don’t try to be someone you’re not just to attract a partner. Authenticity attracts authenticity.

Step 4: Cultivate an Abundance Mindset

Love is abundant, and there’s more than enough for everyone – including you. An abundance mindset is crucial for attracting the right partner.

Complaining is one of the most toxic love barriers because it keeps you focused on what you don’t want. When you complain you’re creating more energy of what you don’t want.

Instead of focusing on what you lack, focus on what you have to offer. Celebrate the love you see around you instead of feeling envious.

Incorporate a practice of gratitude. Every day, write down three things you’re grateful for. This practice will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and attract more of the same.

Step 5: Trust the Process

It’s possible to manifest your Love Vision in the next 90 days! So many of the women in our community who have created real love and are now happily married and in love! 

Trust that the universe is working in your favor, even if you can’t see the results right away.

Keep your thoughts and actions aligned with your love vision, resist the urge to settle for less than what you truly want, and be open to unexpected opportunities. Sometimes, love comes in unexpected ways. Be open to new experiences and people who might not fit your original idea of “the one.”

Success Stories: Proof That It Works

Let’s look at some real-life examples of women who followed this process and found true love:

Jada’s Story

Jada was a successful professional who struggled to find a partner who matched her values. By following these steps, she met Billy, a man who shared her passion for travel and personal growth. Within just a few short months, they were inseparable and just recently got engaged! They just bought a house and are creating a home and family together. 

Emma’s Journey

Emma had almost given up on love after a divorce and series of bad relationships. By clearing out her emotional clutter and taking inspired action, she met Ryan at the gym, they started dating, and just a couple months later knew she’d found the relationship she’d been yearning for. Through working through her self-sabotaging patterns, knowing what she wanted and standing in her Love Vision, she attracted and has created her dream relationship and life. 

YOUR Summer of Love Awaits

This summer doesn’t have to be another season of disappointment and loneliness. By following these steps, you can manifest your true love in just 90 days! 

Remember, it’s about clarity, action, and trust. Your ideal partner is out there, looking for you too.

You  have the opportunity to go even deeper with this in the Manifest Your Love Vision NOW Challenge! 

By the End of the Challenge, You’ll Be Empowered to:  

🌟 Break through the fears, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotaging patterns that have stopped you from having the loving relationship you want

🌟 Create a crystal-clear vision of the loving relationship you want so that you can manifest it with power, grace, and ease

🌟 Develop a step-by-step plan that will enable you to live in the relationship of your dreams this summer and beyond

Don’t wait for another summer to pass you by! In 90 days you can find out what’s in your way, learn how to transform it and manifest your dream man and relationship!  

Register for the Challenge and make this the summer the time you finally manifest your love vision. 

Here’s to a summer of true love and lasting happiness!



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