by Gladys Diaz 

How are you doing, love?

We are right there with you in saying that this has been a week to remember. What’s going on in the world is definitely a major interruption in our lives. 

In this moment of uncertainty, how do you not get sucked into fear? 

How can you stay on top of this and see the opportunities it’s bringing?

And we don’t mean in a Pollyanna kind of way,These are hard times. So, how can you stay empowered through them? 

As this week has unfolded, we have talked to clients who are separated from their husbands and don’t know when they will see each other again, mom’s who aren’t being able to find the necessary supplies for their babies, and women who are afraid their opportunities to date are out the window right now. 

No matter your situation, it is 100% okay to have moments of sadness and be with your feelings, but it’s not going to help you to pitch a tent and stay there. Shifting from fear into faith and love will leave you feeling empowered and ready to handle whatever these circumstances are bringing you. 

When it seems that many things are outside of our control, it is helpful to think about the things that you do have control over.

You always have control of your thoughts. 

You always have control of your actions.

Knowing that, it does take a high level of awareness to remember that “this too shall pass” and that we can go on. Here are five things you can remember during this time to help you shift out of fear and into faith. 

  1. You are not in this alone. The entire world is going through this together. You can increase your faith by praying for others and thinking of ways you can serve those who may be having it even a little harder than you. 
  2. Have a gratitude practice. What do you still have? What is the blessing in this? 
  3. Decipher what you do have control over and let go of the things you don’t. Know that you can figure this out and that you will get through this! This is when the HeartWork comes in more important than ever! You get to choose what you want to experience in this moment. You have complete control over that. 
  4. Get creative! There are alternative ways to do things that are great even though it may be different than you’re used to. Online dating is exploding right now! What if you’re one and only just joined? There are still so many ways to connect during this time.  And, if you’re in a relationship, how can you create an at-home date night to help you feel even more connected to your honey?
  5. You have no idea what is on the other side of this, so stay focused on your goals. Think about how this is just the current example of whatever always stops you in your life. This will pass. Who do you want to be when it does?

You can find comfort during this time when you shift out of fear and into faith! You will find so much happiness and peace when you let go of control and shift into the one thing you can control: YOU! 

Let’s start a movement of faith and love! 

We are not in this alone. We are doing this together

How incredible is it  that we are living a moment in history when the whole world is experiencing something together? Think of the kind of impact we can make!

If you’re in, reply to this email “I am in the shift!” 

We can’t wait to hear from you~

And if you’re feeling like you’d love to talk about how this time can be an opportunity for you, instead of a block, let’s hop on a call and have a deep conversation about what’s really been standing in the way of you having the love of your dreams so that you can break through and finally have the love you want and deserve! 

 Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

Everything you desire could be on the other side of this. 

Will you be someone who shifts and makes it happen?