by Gladys Diaz

 We’re living in a very uncertain world right now, and because of that dating has changed and may look completely different to you.

Have you felt that?

When we’re faced with a lot of uncertainty, it’s common for fear to come up, for us to pull back, to reevaluate our circumstances, and to try to control everything around us. 

This is a normal human response, and is why dating (and many other things in your life) may have felt (and continue to feel) so strange right now.

If you’re feeling hopeless about dating, or anything else in your life, we want you to know that you don’t have to feel that way. You can rise up and create exactly the life you want to create. 

This week on our LoveChat with the Love Twins, we had a conversation with one of our past clients, Denise, who went from hopeless to “I do.” Her story is so powerful we wanted to share it with you!

Denise came to us a couple of years ago when her life was feeling like a struggle!

She was a single mom, working long hours as a hair stylist, and coming home to a house that she’d been sharing with a man who had broken up with her over a year prior! Not the ideal situation, right?!

A year and a half prior to that, she’d been happily dating this man, thought he was the one, and bought a house with him. After just a few short months of living together, he broke up with her completely out the blue and she was devastated

She felt like she’d lost herself, because she’d given herself and her values away. She was in a really dark place and didn’t know who she was anymore.  

After reading an email from us, she responded and poured her heart out to us. We remember those emails so well! 

After a conversation where we listened to her, supported her, and then stood for her to see past her limiting beliefs, she decided to invest in herself and hire us to coach her. 

But here’s the thing she pointed out and that we want to highlight. 

At first she was mad. She didn’t like that we’d pointed out her limiting belief.

We didn’t make her wrong for it, but we helped her to see what she couldn’t see. As she shared this on Tuesday, we both got emotional because the truth is, and what she came to see later was, that we believed in her more than she did.

We stood for her so that she could have the life she wanted. 

And, here’s what happened… 

The very next day after investing in a program she didn’t think she could afford, the house that had been on the market for over a year SOLD! 

The very next day!

A couple of months later, she found her dream home, in the same neighborhood she’d lived in before, and was able to send her daughter to the school she’d dreamed of.

She asked for a raise at work, started working less hours, and just a couple of months later,  she met Dustin, her now-husband! 

All of this happened within just a few months of joining our program! 

Why did these things happen for her? 

Because Denise dismantled the limiting belief that kept her from truly believing that she could have the love and the life she’d always dreamed of.

She got clear on what she wanted, and had become open to receiving it.

She had come to know deeply that she deserved and could create anything that she wanted. 

And then she did! 

When she was reflecting on this she said, “I didn’t realize it was that easy!” 

The beautiful thing is that it is

She got clear on what she wanted and then took committed action to create it. 

It is that easy. 

Denise said, “It may seem counterintuitive to invest in yourself first, but when you do, the ROI is so much bigger!” 

She is living proof that taking a risk on yourself and seeing that you’re worth it matters.

Not only did she create all of that in just the few short months after she started working with us, but every year since, she has grown, her love has grown, and her bank account has, too! 

So what do you want? 

Are you going to stop wasting time and claim what you deserve?

Are you going to choose you

If you’re ready to get clear about what you want and learn the steps to easily create the life and relationship of your dreams, then join us for The Irresistible Woman Live! This 3-day, immersive, , and transformational live virtual event is perfect for the smart, successful woman who wants to stop wasting her time, struggling in love and relationships, and wants to create the love and happiness she’s always wanted  in the relationship of her dreams! 

And to help make it even easier for you to say “YES!” to yourself and your relationship dreams, we’re doing something special (and a little crazy!)!

We celebrated our 50th birthday this week, and, to celebrate it with YOU,  we’re gifting YOU a ticket to the Irresistible Woman LIVE for only $50! (regularly $497!)

So, click on the link below, grab your special Birthday Ticket, and join us  on October 23rd-25th

Click HERE to grab your ticket and start creating the relationship of your dreams NOW!

It really can be that easy! 

We want nothing more than for you to have everything you desire, because, when your dreams come true, ours do too! 

So, what do you say? Are you in?

Grab your special Birthday ticket Now!