by Gladys Diaz

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Are you ready to manifest a miracle in your love life?

If so, this is a quick reminder that if you want your Postcard to the Universe to be included in the art piece that Melisa Caprio will be creating for the upcoming show called “Cloud09″ An Inspirational and Innovative Journey Where the Soul Takes Flight. Dana DellaCamera, a friend and fan of Heart’s Desire International and the show’s curator, has decided to create an event around experiences that enrich our lives. The show, which will open on August 17th, will feature art and music that inspires fills our hearts!

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Women from around the globe have been acknowledging, affirming and declaring their heart’s desires!


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If you’d like your Postcard to the Universe to be included in Melisa’s miracle-manifesting masterpiece, simply visit the Postcards to the Universe page, select your image from the Postcard Gallery (or use a picture, drawing, or painting of your own), and write your positive affirmations about what you want to experience in the relationship of your dreams on the back!


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Postcards must arrive in Melisa’s mail box no later than August 9th to be included in the art show.

Postcard to the Universe_I feel grateful and ecstatic that I have a committed relationship

And, for those of you who are ready to begin manifesting a miracle in your love life today and you’d like to learn what you can do to begin taking actions that are consistent with your affirmations and declarations, I invite you to learn more about the “Create Your Love Story” coaching and mentoring program.  This program will empower you with the skills that will have you attract and manifest the love your heart desires!

->Click here to learn more!<-

You really do have the power to create the loving, fulfilling, passionate, intimate relationship you long for! Let me be your miracle-manifesting partner and celebrate it becoming a reality with you!

Questions?  Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!

Photos courtesy of Melisa Caprio and Postcards to the Universe



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