by Gladys Diaz

Ever feel like life’s just not working?

Yesterday was not what I would call one of my “best days.”  I felt as if everything was falling apart, and I couldn’t seem to get out of my funk!

I know myself well enough to know that when it seems like everything is coming apart, there’s either something I’m resisting, avoiding, or not willing to look at.  So, when I felt myself getting on my own nerves, I decided to stop and look within, because that’s where change begins!

What I saw surprised me and led to a really big breakthrough for me, so I went for a 3-mile run, and midway, I shot this video for you because I know I’m not the only one who sometimes feels like everything — whether that means your love life, your career, your health, or all of the above — is falling apart!

I recorded this video from Mile 2 of the 3-mile run that almost didn’t happen.  In this video, I give you 4 steps that will help get you to a place of empowerment whenever you feel like your life just isn’t working. 

I truly believe this will make a HUGE difference for you (so much so that I was willing put aside my concern over my hair being a mess and being out of breath and covered in sweat on camera!).

If you agree, comment below letting me know what opened up for you inside of watching the video.  I love hearing from you!

So, I woke up this morning not feeling too good, because I have a cold, was tired, and a little bummed about some things that had happened over the weekend. Basically, I had lots of “reasons” why today wasn’t a very good day to take a run!

After taking some time to really go within and stop blaming everything and everyone outside of me for what was happening, I decided that I needed to look to see what was stopping me. And one of the things that was stopping me was that I haven’t been doing my training – my running training – the way I promised myself I would. And I find that any time I am out of integrity with myself, everything sort of starts to unravel.

You may be feeling in your own life as if things are coming apart – whether that’s in your relationship, your lack of relationship, or your business or career – and you can’t quite figure out why everything is happening at once. So, I thought I take a moment to make this video and let you know that it can be that you are out of integrity in some area of your life.

Now, people have all type of definitions for what integrity is. Integrity is doing what you said you were going to do, simply because you said you were going to do it, and doing it without someone having to tell you to it or reminding you to do it, but just because you gave your word.

I’ve given my word to myself that I was going to get back in shape and I was going to train for a half-marathon. And I did great for my 5K, and then once that was over, I was like, “Okay, I did that part!” and I went out of integrity. So that’s impacting, not only my health, but it’s impacting places in my business and places in friendship, my family, and things like that are very important to me. And I’m just not committed to not having my life work and not having everything that my heart desires – and that means workability in every area of my life!

So, I want you to take a moment and I want to tell you what I asked myself and you can ask yourself these questions as well.

You may want to write this down or come back to the video.

  1. What’s not working? Write down what it feels is not working in any area of your life. Start with your relationship, your health, your career, your relationships with other people (family, friendship, colleagues).


  1. What’s missing? When something isn’t working – think of it like a recipe – it’s usually because you forgot something. You forgot to put something in. A lot of times, we may believe that what’s not working is something outside of ourselves – our boss, boyfriend, guys on the online dating site, a family member – but it doesn’t work to point outside, because you don’t really have control over those things or those people. What works best is to look inside is to ask, “What’s missing over here?” For me, it was integrity. Maybe for you it’s integrity. Maybe it’s real commitment. If you saw the blog post on Saturday, maybe what’s missing is committed action. Maybe what’s missing is forgiveness. Maybe there is a relationship that is not working because forgiveness is missing… or compassion… or fun! If your life is boring and you’re frustrated, what’s missing is fun!


  1. What can I do to bring what’s missing? What can I do? What’s in my power, my control, to bring what’s missing? So, for me, what there was to do was to get my running shoes on, get out of the house in the 30 minutes that I had in the 30 minutes I had before having to go pick up my kids, and get to running! What’s it for you? What do you need to put in that’s missing?


  1. What difference would that make in my life right now? For me, the difference that running is makes in my life right now is that I’m back in integrity with myself, that I had a little bit of time to talk to you, and that I look forward to hearing the breakthroughs that this video is causing in your life, because I believe will make a difference for those of you who are watching!


So, if this video did make a difference for you, go ahead comment below, and let me know what was not working, what was missing, how you decided you could put in that was missing, and what difference it made for you!

This is Gladys. Until our hearts meet again, always remember that you are loved!

I look forward to hearing from you! Good-bye for now!