by Gladys Diaz

Does it seem like you always attract men who are less than what you want in a partner?

Do you attract men who you feel are “out of your league” and then feel insecure and awkward when you’re around them?

Are you creating the experiences that you feel you deserve?

Do you know that you are worthy of the love you want? 

Here’s the thing – Everyone is worthy of love and prosperity. You are simply because you are. There’s nothing you have to do to earn it and there’s nothing you could do to “mess it up.”

The question is then – do you believe it?

If you’re not creating exactly what you want to experience in partners and relationships – consider that there’s a limiting belief that’s operating in the background.

There’s a fear that’s based on something you’ve done, been through or survived that had you begin to doubt your worth and create a belief that you aren’t good enough or that you don’t deserve the love that you want.

The kicker is that these fears usually don’t present themselves as “I’m not worthy” or “I don’t deserve what I want.

We talk to strong, determined, successful women all the time who are certain they don’t have a worthiness conversation going on because they can’t see it.

But as they work with us they see that it’s there and it’s sneaky.

It doesn’t sound like “I’m not worthy of being loved.

What it does sound like is:

    • I’m not pretty enough.” 
    • “I’m not skinny enough.”
    • A man will never choose me.” 
    • “No wonder he’s with her, she’s more outgoing and fun than me.”
    • “What’s my problem? How come I can’t find the love that I want?”
    • “That’s it! I’m going to take a break from dating.”
    • Here we go again this is why I’ll always be single.
    • What does it sound like for you? 

These thoughts are an indication that there’s a limiting belief in your blindspot that you don’t believe you deserve what you want in life and love.

They’re like the “check engine light” for your soul asking that you look a little deeper.

The energetic truth is that you’ll attract that which is a match for what you feel and believe you deserve.

So how do you shift into the courage to believe? 

You must stop being afraid to be afraid.

What do we mean by that?

Get curious!

Choose to look at the thoughts and behaviors that are standing in the way between you and the extraordinary love that you want.

Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that you have.

If you feel angry – what are you mad at? 

If you feel fear – what are you afraid of?

If you feel sad – what hurt you?

Then ask yourself if it reminds you of something that happened in the past. 

What happened right before you had that thought? 

This is what we’ll be doing next week in the Real Love Breakthrough Challenge!

The game we’ll be playing is being brave enough to look at what’s in the way and doing the work to break through it!

We’ll be looking at the negative thoughts that have been haunting you for 5, 10, 20, 50 years of your life….

And breaking through them in 5 DAYS so you can begin to attract what is aligned with who you are and what you want so you can create the relationship of your dreams!

Join us for the Real Love Breakthrough Challenge!

Worthiness is a decision you make. Deservingness is knowing that you can have it. 

Decide right now that you deserve everything that you want and then register for the challenge by clicking below.


Next week is going to be incredible! We can’t wait to see you there.