by Gladys Diaz

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Every year, I try to pick a theme which I will live throughout the year. In past years, some of my theme have been “Faith,” “Hope,” “Power,” and “Abundance.” God used me in a special way on January 1st and gave me confirmation that wherever I am is where I’m meant to be. The experience also helped me discover what my theme for 2014 is.

While we were waiting to be seated at a restaurant, I saw a young man roll a woman in a wheelchair into the ladies’ room. I decided to wait so that they could have some privacy.

A few minutes later, we were still waiting, so I decided to go in. An older (different) gentleman stopped me at the door and said, “There’s a woman in a wheelchair in there. Can you please see if she’s okay? Her name is Helen*.”

I went in and the restroom seemed empty. I called out her name and asked if she was okay. A soft voice said, “Yes.” Then, after a short pause, she said, “Actually, I’m not. I fell and I don’t think I can get up.”

I asked her if I could go into the stall, and when I walked in, she was lying on the floor, with her pants pulled down, trying to reach the handrail. My heart broke and I was immediately filled with love for her. Not pity, but a surge of love! The courage she demonstrated in having wanted to do it alone, her vulnerability in allowing a stranger to come in and help her… all of it hit me with a wave of love.

I didn’t know if I could lift her, but I tried. It took me a couple of tries to get her only half-way up and I asked God to please help me help her. It was then that I heard another woman’s voice ask if we needed help. I said yes, and a large woman came in and helped me lift her onto the toilet seat. The other woman left the stall and I saw that Helen was still unsteady. I asked her if she wanted me to move her further back on the seat, and she said, yes, so I lifted her again. Then I stepped out of the stall to give her privacy, but told her to let me know when she was done so I could help her.

As I waited for her to finish, I used the restroom myself, and I was fully aware of every movement I was able to make on my own, unassisted. I thanked God with every move I made for all of the millions of things that go unnoticed and that I take for granted because I am healthy.

When she was done, she called my name and I helped her onto her wheelchair and rolled her to the sink. I became very conscious of the fact that I really didn’t know how to maneuver the chair, and asked her to forgive me if I did something wrong. She smiled at me sweetly said, “You’re doing a great job! Thank you.”

I rolled her out the door, where the older gentleman was waiting. Soon, the younger gentleman came and asked her if she was okay, and I knew that Helen would continue being surrounded by love in my absence.

I thought about how she kept thanking me and how all I wanted to do was hug her and thank her for allowing me to help her and for helping me realize how blessed I am to be healthy and able to help others. I also wanted to thank her for being so gracious in the way she received my help. She wasn’t embarrassed or uncomfortable, which made it easier for me to give my help easily and freely.

I don’t know how long she had been laying there or how much longer she would have been there if I hadn’t come in and called out her name. I just know that I’m so grateful I went in when I did and that, on the very first day of 2014 I discovered my theme for the year: “In Loving Service.” That is how I resolve to live my life this year – a life that’s been forever changed by a sweet, woman named Helen who allowed me into hers for a few moments.

So, what will your life’s theme be in 2014? Let us know below!

P.S. If you haven’t discovered your theme or set your 2014 Love Resolutions, please make sure you join us for the free Love and Intimacy Resolutions teleconference call on Thursday, January 9th at 9:00pm ET.

Join us on Thursday and begin making 2014 The Year of Love and Intimacy for YOU!

*The person’s name has been changed to maintain privacy.

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