by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever find yourself lying in bed at night thinking these types of thoughts?

“Why didn’t I say the thing that I wanted to say on the date tonight?”

“I wonder if he hasn’t called because I told him I wanted to wait to have sex. Will anyone ever be willing to wait for me?”

“Am I going to lose myself again if I get into another relationship?”

“Do I need to compromise my values so that I can find a man?”

“Should I just settle for the guy who comes close to what I’m looking for?”

Because of the years of work we’ve done with the thousands of women we’ve supported, we know that these thoughts come up often when dating (and even when you’re in a relationship or  when you’re married!).

If you’ve spent years learning how to “strategically” date, trying a bunch of different tactics or turning yourself into who you think you need to be in order for a man to be the right match –

After a while, you end up wondering who this version of you is and where the real went.

That’s what makes dating and relationships so scary – not trusting that you won’t  lose yourself in a relationship.

You might worry about this because… 

  • you’ve done it before. 
  • you’ve convinced yourself that you have to be a certain way in order for a man to like you.
  • you’ve tried being yourself, and you feel like it doesn’t work. 

What if you didn’t have to worry about this anymore?

What if you knew, not only exactly who you are, but what you desire so that you could start being 100% true to yourself in your relationships.

What if you were transforming and becoming the most authentic version of yourself, and that the men you associated with could see and be attracted to that?

Guess what? It can be true for you.

One of our clients recently said, “Now that I’ve been coaching with these amazing women, I’m finally getting that the work I get to do is about me and I’m falling in love with all the parts of myself.”

And that is having her attract a completely different type of man!

That’s what’s  so powerful about the work we do with women.

When you can be true to yourself and show up as 100% authentically, beautifully YOU, then you will attract the man that you want.

When you do the Heartwork, you get that you don’t need to focus on the man — not the man you’re attracting or the one you’re with. 

You get that the one and only thing in this life that you have 100% control over is you, and you get that when you focus on you, the man you want will show up.

That’s why we’re hosting something incredible next week and we hope you’ll join us!

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully You Challenge which starts next Monday, April 10th!

The BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge is for you if you’re ready to:

💜 Remove the mask you hide behind that’s blocking you from the love you want

💜 Find your voice and say what you want and feel without being afraid

💜 Stop pretending and not honoring your boundaries

💜 Stop settling for less than you want and deserve in relationships

💜 Stop doubting your ability to attract the man and relationship of your dreams

💜 Let go of the anxiety you feel around dating and relationships and have fun BE-ing YOU!

💜And more!

It’s FREE to join and it’s going to be a game-changer for you and your love life!

It’s time for you to know that you CAN be authentically YOU and attract a man who will love & cherish you for being the Irresistible Woman you are!

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge!

Instead of feeling sad that you don’t have your husband or partner, and wondering if that will ever change, you KNEW that you are on your way to changing that and having the Extraordinary Love you want – or better yet, have you man beside you?!

What if you broke through the thing that’s been holding you back from having that?

What if your doubts were gone and you see yourself showing up as the Irresistible YOU?

You have no idea what can happen between now and then if you’ll join us for the challenge. It’s going to support you in taking  yourself and your love life to a whole new level!

The thing is –

When you don’t trust yourself, you can’t trust others.

When you don’t love yourself, you can’t love someone else or openly receive someone else’s love.

And when you’re not connected to who you are and what you desire, you can’t create a genuine connection with a man that leads to lasting love. 

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge so you can start showing up as 100% you.

And KNOW that when you’re BE-ing that – then you know that when the right man finds you and is  100% attracted to the real YOU, will fall  and stay in love with the real you!

Join the Challenge Now!