by Gladys Diaz

First, I want to point out that there is a good reason why I look like a wet duck in the video below!

This morning, I was committed to going for a run, even though it’s New Year’s Eve and I would have much more preferred to have slept  in a lot longer!  However, I made a New Year’s Resolution a few weeks ago (Yes, I know I was a bit early, but why wait?), so I held myself accountable and went out for a run.

Not .25 miles into the 4-mile run, it began to rain… hard.

Immediately, fears, doubts, and excuses started going CRAZY in my head.

It’s raining too hard…

I should go back home…

I’m going to get sick…

It was amazing to me just how quickly I was ready to find a reason to justify not honoring my commitment when something unexpected happened! 

And it got me thinking about how today and in the next few days you and millions of people will be making New Year’s Resolutions that probably (sadly) won’t last beyond a month — or even a week, simply because they haven’t planned on what to do when stuff (a.k.a. life) happens!

So, at mile 3, when it finally stopped raining, I sat down on a soaking wet bench and shot a quick video message just for you on 3 steps you can take to make sure you realize your resolution, even when something unexpected happens!

Click below to watch this short video!

Michelle and I will be taking you through these 3 steps at the Love Resolution Workshop we are hosting on January 24th in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  

In this workshop you will:

  • Break through any hidden barriers that are standing in the way of you either attracting or manifesting even more love in your life and relationships
  • Create a clear and solid vision of what you want to experience in your love life and relationships in 2015
  • Develop an action plan that will have you living into and experiencing that vision throughout 2015!
  • Plus, a few surprises!

Remember that today is the last day you and your friends can register at the current Early Bird price, so…

>>Click here to register for the Love Resolution Workshop!<<

Wishing you lots of love and an amazing and Happy New Year!


P.S. You really do have the power to make 2015 the most extraordinary year yet! Join us for the Love Resolution Workshop and let’s get started on making 2015 The Year of Love and Dreams Come True for YOU!


Comments?  Questions? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!