by Gladys Diaz

Love 2014_FDP_ID-100215376

Michelle and I are still smiling after Thursday night’s Love & Intimacy Resolutions teleconference! What an extraordinary call! There were times during the call that we could actually FEEL the energy shifting — fears, doubts, and regrets being let to, and peace, hope, and loving moving in!

My favorite part of the call was when women began volunteering to share their Love & Intimacy Resolutions with everyone. It takes so much courage and vulnerability to share your heart with one person, and even more to share it in a group!

The emails we’ve been receiving, letting us know how your lives were changed by the call and what is opening up for you inside of this new path you have started have been so moving and inspiring!  And thanks to those who have posted your Love & Intimacy Resolutions on our Facebook page!

If you haven’t posted yours yet, please go to our page and post your Love & Intimacy Resolution. Whether you were on the call or not, we’d love to hear what you are creating for yourself and your love life in 2014, so go ahead and post yours, too.

Here what you need to do. Just…

1. Go to our Facebook page.

2. Click on the pinned post at the top of the page.

3. Copy the statements below:

“2014 is the year of Love & Intimacy for me! As i am creating the relationship of my dreams, I am being…” 

4. Paste the statement into the Comments area of the pinned post and  complete it with words that describe       the type of relationship you want to experience! 

For example, do you want a lovingpassionatefun relationship, where there is trust and compassion? Then you might write something like:

“2014 is the year of Love & Intimacy for me! As i am creating the relationship of my dreams, I am being lovingpassionateintimatefuntrusting, and compassionate!”

Why? Because, in order to attract that type of relationship, you first need to BE the type of person who will attract someone who is also interested in having that type of relationship!

So, go ahead! Visualize your dream relationship, create it, post your Love & Intimacy Resolution on our Facebook page and begin living it! 

If you find that you’re struggling with even being able to visualize what your dream relationship would look like because some of your past is still in the way, then contact us. We’d be happy to help you put the past in the past, where it belongs, so that you can have and begin experiencing the life and love your heart desires!

We look forward to reading your Love & Intimacy Resolution!

P.S. Please remember to “Like” our Facebook page while you are there so that we can be connected!

P.S.S. If you prefer to have your Love & Intimacy Resolution posted anonymously, just email ( and I’ll post it for you!


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