by Gladys Diaz

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Why is it that many of us postpone our own happiness?  We put our work and other responsibilities ahead of our happiness.  We keep putting off doing the things that will lead to us having the things we say we want and are important to us.

I do it, too. I talk about how I want to stay slim and healthy, but I’ll make sleeping in more important than getting up to work out, or I’ll put meeting a work deadline ahead of my work out time.

However, dreaming about wearing any bathing suit I’d like this summer is not going to have me burn calories. Complaining about my weight is not going to make the pounds shed or the muscles get firm.  Wishing I had a better metabolism is not going to magically transform my body into a slim and toned masterpiece.  The only thing that is going to make a difference is me making the time to work out, making healthy food choices, and finally choosing to make my health and well-being a priority.

The same holds true when it comes to having the relationship of our dreams.  Many of us put our happiness on hold.  We use excuses like there not being any good guys out there, complaining that dating is “hard,” and wishing that our love life would somehow magically change to keep us stuck where we are: frustrated, dissatisfied, and disappointed.

Dreaming about being in a great relationship is not going to have you getting out there and meeting someone new.

Complaining about how there aren’t any good men and how the good ones are all taken is not going to make a great guy call you, out of the blue.

And wishing that he’d just show up on your doorstep so that you don’t have to go out on another date is not going to have the man who is right for you just magically appear.

What’s going to make a difference in your love life is learning about ways to make dating a fun and fulfilling experience that actually leads to you attracting the man who’s right for you into your life.  What will make a difference is focusing on yourself and on the things that you can do to actually create the life and love your heart desires!

And tomorrow is the day you can take the first step on the path toward making the relationship of your dreams a reality!

Join us for a FREE Orientation Meeting about the “Attract and Marry the Man Who’s Right for You” 1-Day Workshop.

During this FREE orientation meeting, my twin sister Michelle Roza and I, Gladys Diaz, (a.k.a. “The Love Twins”) will deliver compassionate, practical, and transformational advice that has empowered many single women to attract the romance, intimacy and marriages their hearts desired!

Experience some of the exercises and conversations you’ll be engaged in during the upcoming Surrendered Singles 1-Day Workshop, including how to:

  • Stop hunting and start attracting the right man
  • Ask men to ask you out so that you’re never without a date
  • Become your best self and attract men at your level
  • Enjoy the pleasure of being pursued
  • Make every date fun

DATE: Saturday, March 23, 2013

TIME: 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (Check-in: 10:30 a.m.)



PAX: Performing Arts Exchange
337 S.W. 8 St.
Miami, Fl. 33130

(directly under the 95 overpass on your left)

Click here to register!

The bottom line is that you deserve the life and love your heart desires, and it’s up to you to take the first step.  Join us and make tomorrow the day that your happily ever after begins!  Don’t postpone your dreams a minute longer!

Questions? Comments? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!

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