by Gladys Diaz

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As I mentioned in my previous post, this past week I attended a Mastermind meeting that was led by my business coach with over 80 other entrepreneurs.  One of the assignments we were given prior to the meeting was to be ready to present a 2-minute talk on stage.  To say that I was terrified is quite the understatement!

As soon as I read those instructions – and the sentence stating that we couldn’t ask any questions regarding the assignment – I went into full-out panic mode.  In an instant, all of my fears, doubts and insecurities came bubbling up to the surface. I was even angry that we were not only being told what we needed to do, but that we weren’t being given any directions except to “breathe” and do our best!

I put off working on my talk all week long.  I got really “busy” doing a bunch of other stuff.  It wasn’t until I landed in California and someone mentioned the assignment that I decided it would probably be a good idea to at least write something down. But nothing came.  I couldn’t think of anything to write, or say on stage.  And I was certain that my coach was going to call me on stage, I was going to bomb big time, and she was going to tear me apart in front of everyone!

My plan: To avoid eye contact with her and refuse to go up if she called on me!

Pretty wimpy, huh?  Especially for someone who talks to women about facing and overcoming their fears!


So, as usually happens during moments like this in my life, I thought of you. 

 I thought about what I would ask you to help you to see what it was you are really afraid of.

Are you afraid of not ever having what you really want? 

Or are you afraid that you might actually get what you really want?  (Sometimes, this can be just as scary as the fear of not getting what we want!)

I realized that I was afraid of “looking bad” and that, if I didn’t do it perfectly, it meant that I wouldn’t be able to succeed – ever.  I was terrified that I’d been wasting my time and that my dreams were never really going to come true.

And then, for a split second, I thought about how scary it would be if having what I want was really possible!  That would mean that having the life and business that I want is completely up to me!  That I would have to be responsible and be willing to do the work that it takes to make those dreams come true.

That’s what I was really afraid of!


I thought about how I’d encourage you to face your fear and do it anyway.

I thought about how I’d say to you:

That fear?  It’s just a thought. It’s not even “the truth”! 

It’s just a reminder of something that happened in the past – something that is not happening now. It’s not real.

I thought about how many times I’ve allowed my fears to stop me.  How the fear of repeating a mistake from the past has kept me from stepping out into a new future.  And how, I’ve always ended up regretting not having stepped up.

It was then that I began to sense something stirring inside of me.  What was it? 

Was it the determination not to have that happen again?  Was it the unwillingness to remain stagnant? Was that courage bubbling up inside of me?


I thought about how courageous you are when you are willing to take a risk and be vulnerable. 

I thought about how you inspire me when are courageous enough to step outside of your comfort zone and have a breakthrough that completely transforms your life.

I thought about the joy that I feel when you tell me how amazing you feel now that you have everything you’ve dreamed of and how you really didn’t believe it could happen sometimes, but you trusted me and yourself, and you did it anyway!


I thought about you…

And then, instead of waiting to be called on…

I raised my hand!

And I kept raising it… until my coach pointed at me… and I made my way to the stage!


I’d love to say that I wasn’t nervous.  That when I stepped on the stage I felt confident and everything came out exactly the way that I’d planned.

The truth is that I was shaking so hard I thought the people in the front row could see it!  I was so nervous that I felt as if I couldn’t take a complete breath.  But the longer I stood on the stage, the stronger I felt and the words began to flow!  And the feedback I was terrified of getting from my coach?  It was constructive – meant to build me up, not tear me down – and I used it, right then and there, on the stage!  It was amazing! I felt so empowered!

So, thank you!

Thank you for the difference you allow me to make in your life and for the incredible difference you make in mine. I’m so grateful our paths have crossed and that we’re part of one another’s journey.

And the next time you’re afraid – of admitting that you want to be in a loving, intimate relationship; of going out on a date with someone new; of apologizing to your boyfriend or husband for having said or done something you wish you hadn’t; of allowing yourself to love and be loved – I hope you’ll think of me and that you’ll be inspired to move past your fear so that you can experience the life and love your heart desires!


Question? Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!



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