by Gladys Diaz


Are you tired of attracting the wrong man into your life?


Does it feel as if you keep dating the same man with a different face, name, and body?


If it seems as if you keep repeating the same patterns and having the same experiences in dating and relationships, you’ll want to tune in and watch this video where I answer the question, “How do I stop attracting the wrong man?” which was submitted by one of the viewers who saw our Transformational Tuesday interview, “Getting Ready to Love Again,” with Deborah Deras!*

In this video, I explain what may be causing you to create the same experience over and over again in dating and relationships– even if it’s something you don’t want!

I also walk you through an exercise we do with our clients that helps them to distinguish what some of their Dysfunctional Patterns are so that they can begin to dismantle and deal with them powerfully!

If this video isn’t for you, but you have women in your life who you feel could benefit from the information, please share it with them. There’s nothing more loving you can do than to help another woman break a cycle that is causing her so much frustration and heartache!

After you watch the video, please leave your comments in the Comments section of the blog so that we can continue the conversation!

*P.S. The Transformational Tuesday interview with Deborah Deras received such a great response that we are doing an Encore Presentation tomorrow night, Tuesday, February 10th, at 10:00pm ET. There will be a simultaneous live Twitter Chat where we will answer your questions LIVE as they come in! It’s going to be transformational, informative, fun and FREE!

Click here to join us for the Transformational Tuesday Encore Presentation of “Getting Ready to Love Again.”