by Gladys Diaz


This week I’ve been thinking a lot about change.

Many of our clients are experiencing the growing pains that come with making real changes in their lives. The kinds of changes that lead to true transformation.

It’s easy to forget that change – even when it’s “good change” – can feel uncomfortable. In fact, at times, it can feel downright painful.

Transformation is a process.

It requires letting go of what’s become familiar – what we’re used to – and taking on new beliefs, behaviors and ways of being.

It involves being willing to try something new – something that brings with it the promise of new – or renewed – love.

Transformation requires courage.

It involves having the courage to hope that things can improve and turn out differently, without knowing exactly what that final outcome will be or look like.

My favorite symbol of transformation is the butterfly.

A butterfly is so beautiful and delicate. She flutters from one place to another with such grace and ease.

To see her in all of her splendor, it’s easy to forget that that she wasn’t always that beautiful, graceful being.

At one point she was a small, fuzzy, worm-like thing. Not necessarily something that inspired awe or wonder.

To get to this beautiful stage, the butterfly had to be willing to transform herself from the inside out.


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She had to be willing to be uncomfortable. She had to be willing to go through the pain and then release herself from what had been keeping her captive!

It’s the same with you, my beautiful butterfly-in-the-making.

To make changes so that you can experience the happy, loving, passionate relationship you have always wanted, you’re going to have to go through some changes.
You’re going to have to be willing to be courageous.

You’re going to have to be willing to let go of and release yourself from the beliefs, fears, and behaviors which do not serve you and are not giving you the results that you want.

It won’t always be easy.

There will be times when you’ll wonder if it’s just easier to stay inside of your cocoon of fear, doubt, pain and resentment.

And it might seem like it for a while, but staying there will not allow you to break free, spread your wings and experience and enjoy the love and happiness that are waiting for you on the other side!

I invite you to break through the resistance and resignation and embrace the life and love that are your birthright.butterfly flying away_bing


It’s time to break free and spread your wings so that you can discover the love that is already waiting for you!

If you’re ready, we’re here to help guide you in becoming the beautiful butterfly you were created to be!



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