by Gladys Diaz


I could barely concentratethis week, because I am so in vacation mode!  We are about to leave on the cruise I’ve been hoping  and waiting to go on for years, and then taking another week of vacation.  Needless to say, I have been having a very hard time focusing on anything else but the fun I hope to have with my family!

Do find that the same thing happens to you when you are really looking forward to something that means a lot to you?

I call this being in a state of Hopeful Anticipation.

Hopeful Anticipation is a state where you are hopefully and happily looking forward to the future, and you are experiencing the joy around it, here and now, in the present!  

Being in Hopeful Anticipation is different from having “an expectation.”

See, with expectations, you “already know” how things “should” look, sound, and be like.  This leaves very little room for the possibility of being pleasantly surprised.  So, what usually happens when things or people (namely men) don’t show up in that exact way is that you are left feeling disappointed, upset and disillusioned.  All of the joy you were expecting disappears the moment things don’t show up exactly the way you thought they would.

With Hopeful Anticipation, on the other hand, you look forward to the future and are already envisioning and feeling the happiness you hope to experience.  You are in a state of wonder – where nothing is set in stone or must show up a certain way.  You are open to possibilities. And, even though you don’t know exactly how things will turn out, there is a sense that it will all be good because you are hopefully anticipating the best outcome.

It really is a wonderful and empowering space from which to experience life!

What if you were looking at your love life from a space of Hopeful Anticipation?

What if you were standing here and now, in the present – regardless of what the present circumstances are – looking forward to experience the loving, intimate, passionate and fun relationship your heart desires?

What if you were open to the possibility of meeting an extraordinary man who was imperfectly perfect for you?

What if you were looking forward to the relationship you are currently in being more loving, tender, and exciting than you ever imagined – no matter what it looks like now?

Stop for a minute and imagine: What would that be like?

Hopefully anticipating the best is not about “kidding yourself” or living in a fantasy world that is all in your head.  It’s about actually moving through life with an open heart and mind, fully anticipating that what you hope for and dream of is not only possible, but it’s possible for YOU!

Perhaps you’re feeling some resistance to the idea of living in Hopeful Anticipation.  

Maybe you’re afraid of getting your hopes up, only to have them torn down.  

Perhaps you believe that it’s easier to expect the worse. At least that way you’re never really disappointed.  

Maybe you don’t even know how to begin to think of the future with hope, peace and joy, given what you’ve been through.


Your thoughts affect your beliefs and your beliefs affect your perception of the world, men, relationships, and even yourself.  The more you focus on your fears, disappointments, what you don’t have yet, and anything else that reaffirms those disempowering thoughts, the less likely you are to experience what it is you truly desire.

You are 100% responsible for creating both the life and love your heart desires.  The more you focus on what you want, without driving yourself crazy thinking about how it must or should look and what needs to happen for it to come about, the more likely you are to attract and draw those things into your life.

Looking forward to life and love in a space of Hopeful Anticipation will give you that sense of peace and joy you are longing for. 


So, let me ask you. 

What is it that you really want to experience in your life, especially when it comes to love and relationships?

  • Write it out. 
  • Don’t worry about it being “too much,” “too big,” or “too unrealistic.” For most people, being “realistic” is just another name for being “pessimistic”! 
  • Just think about what you want to experience. What would make your heart dance?

Now I have an invitation – a challenge, if you will.

It takes courage to acknowledge your desires and even more courage to share them with others. So, if you are feeling courageous enough, go ahead and post what you are hopefully anticipating to experience in your love life in the comments below! Not only will you be declaring this to yourself, but you’ll be sharing it with others who will be just as excited about it and pulling for you to experience it!

Can’t wait to read your comments and hopefully anticipate and look forward to a life overflowing with love, happiness, and wonder right along with you!