by Gladys Diaz

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When working with clients, there are sometimes “themes” that come up during our conversations. What’s interesting about this is that the ladies are all different ages, in different stages of life and relationships – single, dating, in a committed relationship, or married – and living in different parts of the world.  Yet, during our sessions these recurring themes begin to emerge.

One theme that has come up recently is that of wanting to know how things are going to turn out.

Whether you’re a single woman who is wary about going on a second date with the man you met online because you’re not sure if it’s going to work out, or you’re in a long-term relationship and wondering if he will eventually ask you to marry him, or you’re ready to make changes in yourself because you wants to transform the relationship you have with your husband, you’re probably asking yourself the same question:

How do I know if things are going to work out?

If you’ve asked yourself that question, know that there’s actually a fear behind it:

The fear that it won’t work out the way you hope it will.

See, every time you go out on another date or you’re with your boyfriend, wondering if he’s going to propose, you’re hoping that this is it.  That you’ve finally met the one with whom you’ll share your life.

And, inside, you’re terrified that he might not be.

If you’re in a relationship or married, and you’ve finally come to the point where you realize that if there is going to be a change in this relationship, it’s going to start with you and the way you choose to treat and respond to your man, you’re also hoping that all of these changes you’re making will lead you back to that happy place you once knew together.

And, inside, you’re terrified that they won’t.

The first thing to realize is that the fear that you are feeling is normal.

When it comes to love and relationships, there simply are no guarantees.

Opening your heart to another human being, who, by the way, has his own hopes, fears, and insecurities, means being willing to take the risk that things might not turn out the way you hope they will.

The other side of that coin is that, when you are vulnerable and courageous enough to, for example, go out on one more date, let him know that you want to be married, and to show him that you’re committed enough to your marriage to do whatever is within your realm of control to make things better, there is that beautiful possibility that you will actually experience the love and happiness your heart desires!

The thing is that you’ve got to be willing to take that chance.

Yes, it can be scary.

And, no, I can’t predict that everything will work out exactly the way you want it to.

But I can promise you one thing:

The only way for there to even be a chance of experiencing the love and relationship of your dreams is to be willing to open your heart and mind up to that possibility and then taking the steps that lead you in that direction!

So, what is one step you’ve been afraid to take in your love life or relationship?

And are you willing to be courageous enough to take it and see what’s possible?

If so, leave a comment below and let me know what it is and how I might be able to support you!


Comments?  Questions?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!


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