by Gladys Diaz

De-Mythifying Common Myths About Why Successful Women Can’t Succeed in Love


I don’t usually like to rant or curse, but I absolutely have to call BS on this!

I am so tired of reading articles and hearing people talk about how successful, intelligent, strong women can’t find or keep love. Honestly, it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me!

Aside from the fact that it is a complete insult to women who are successful, strong, accomplished and in happy loving relationships, I don’t know if people realize just how damaging continuing to repeat that type of nonsense to yourself—and others— is!

Repeating limiting phrases like, “Men are intimidated by powerful women,” “Smart women have a hard time finding a man who won’t be threatened by them,” and “Successful women are better off being alone than being with a man who is’ beneath’ them,” perpetuates the very thing that successful women don’t want, which is to find themselves frustrated, lonely, and with no one with whom to share their success.

The truth is that there are men out there who are looking for, excited by, and attracted to women who are confident and successful!  In fact, studies show that the thing men are most attracted to in a woman (besides her smile) is her confidence.

Now, are there men out there who might feel a little insecure about dating a woman is more successful than them?


However, it’s also true that there are many men out there who would rather be with a woman who is ambitious, passionate, secure in herself and her abilities, and who also allows him the opportunity to contribute, love, and add to her happiness.

In the next few articles, I’ll be sharing five common misconceptions about successful women when it comes to love relationships, and what you can do to turn your limiting beliefs into powerful affirmations that will have you attract the type of love that you want into your life and continue to strengthen the love you already have in your relationship.

Myth #1: Men are intimidated by powerful women.

Truth: Men are intimidated by intimidating women.

As I mentioned before, confidence is very appealing to men. Few things are more attractive or alluring than a woman who is loves and accepts herself and acknowledges her value! When a confident woman steps into the room, there is a sense of self-assurance and fulfillment that draws people to her – not away from her.

What is intimidating, on the other hand, is arrogance.  There is a very fine line between feeling confident about yourself and believing that who you are and the things you have achieved somehow make you better than someone else. This is repelling to both men and women alike.

Of course it’s fine to talk about the things you are proud of and the goals you have for the future. However, when sharing your accomplishments and accolades, be wary of coming across as arrogant and condescending.

Now, before you get upset about what I just said, hear me out.

There’s nothing wrong with letting a man know what your successes are, what you’ve accomplished, and what you’re up to in life, because ultimately, what you want is to share those successes with him.

What you don’t want to do, whether it’s on a date or with your romantic partner, is to have your message come across as “I’ve got this all handled by myself and don’t need or want anyone or anything else – including you – to add to the success and happiness in my life.”

The bottom line is that men want to feel needed. They want to know that even if you’ve got an amazing life, there’s something they can add to it to make it even better.

This doesn’t make men “needy” or “insecure,” any more than wanting to be loved and desired make us women “needy” or “insecure.” Men and women are simply wired differently, and part of making a relationship work means understanding and accepting those differences and doing what we can to give one another what each wants and needs.

So, the next time you’re sharing with a man your goals, accomplishments, and the things you love about yourself, remember to share in such a way that you are also extending an invitation to share those successes with him, should he be interested in being part of your extraordinary life!

Even better… If you’re a successful, professional woman who wants to experience success in both your love life and your career, grab your ticket for  The Irresistible Woman LIVE Event while you can still get them for the Early Bird price!

In the next article, I’ll be de-mythifying Myth #2: Successful women have to settle for someone less successful than them.