by Gladys Diaz

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I realize that today can be a bitter-sweet days for some people, given that the day is focused on love — primarily romantic love — and it can be painful if you’re not in a relationship, or in a relationship that’s not going well at the moment.  If you’re not focused — truly focused — on the love that’s all around and within you, you can actually find yourself feeling Toxic Emotions, such as jealousy, sadness, or loneliness.

So, what can you do to make today a happy day, and one where you are able to see, receive, and give love, no matter what your relationship status is? 

1. Gather evidence of love all around you. 

Rather than trying to resist or reject all of the signs of love around you today, look for evidence of love and pull it toward you.  One thing you can do is put your hands over your heart when you see evidence of love today — whether it is a picture of flowers someone received, or a couple holding hands, or anything having to do with love and romance — and, rather than get hurt, angry, or resentful, with your hand on your heart, say something like, “I’m so happy for her/them, and I can’t wait to feel that way, too!” or “I’m so happy for her/them!  I send them love and receive that love as it comes back to me!”

2. Make a Love Plan for yourself. 

If you haven’t already planned out what you are going to do to fill your day with love, take the time to do it now! Plan to do something nice for yourself, get yourself a token of your own love for yourself, and make plans with friends or family.  Isolating yourself only reinforces the belief “I am alone,” and that only deepens any feelings of sadness or separation you may be feeling today.  So, rather than being reactive and closing yourself off, surround yourself with the people and things you love and enjoy.  You, more than anyone else in the world, deserve your own love, so be generous in giving that love to YOU!  

3. Bask in Gratitude. 

One of the most powerful and transformative energies we can embody and practice is gratitude.  As you gather evidence of love and fill yourself up with love, remember to truly feel and express thanks for the things, people, and blessings you have in your life.  It’s virtually impossible to be angry and grateful or upset and grateful at the same time.  When you choose to turn your heart and thoughts to the things for which you are grateful, you are making a conscious choice to not allow negative thoughts and feelings to overtake you.  Does this mean you have to “pretend” you don’t feel the sadness or upset?  No. Resistance only has those feelings strengthen and persist.  Instead, feel the feelings, acknowledge that they are there, and then choose to release them. And, as you release them, fill the space left by the negative feelings with thoughts of the things, people, and blessings for which you are grateful.  This practice can leave you feeling empowered, rather than disempowered, as you will come to see just how able you are of navigating through and your emotions with power, grace, and ease!

Putting these simple practices in place today (and every day) can help you manifest and experience love, joy, peace, and gratitude, which are highly magnetic emotions and can truly shift your state as well as your experience of living and loving!

My heart-felt wish for you today is that you are able to see, feel, and create love all around and within you and that you come to the indisputable realization that…