by Gladys Diaz

Gladys & Michelle- Oprah's Life You Want Weekend

Have you ever had an experience that completely changes the way you see and experience life, even if nothing in your life changes?

That’s what I experienced this weekend!

Thanks to my amazing sister, Michelle, who gave me one of my best birthday presents ever, I was able to attend Oprah Winfrey’s “Live the Life You Want Weekend”!

Beyond the thrill of having the opportunity to see Oprah, Deepak Chopra, and Iyanla Vanzant – three of my favorite thought leaders, along with three new favorites: Elizabeth Gilbert, Rob Bell, and Amy Purdy – in person, it was the messages they shared that most touched and moved me!

The entire weekend was about embracing and living your life’s purpose and becoming who you were created to be so that you can have the life you want: The Life Your Heart Desires!

One powerful, heart-shaking quote after another filled me with more love, joy, and hopeful anticipation than I could have ever imagined! And, with each one, Michelle and I thought of you, and how we could use what we were learning and reaffirming to inspire and guide you to have the life and love your heart desires!

Why did we think of you?

Because our life’s purposes is completely intertwined with yours!

See, it is our life’s mission to ensure that each and every woman on the planet has the experience of loving and being loved each and every day of her life and is living the life of her dreams!

One of the most powerful quotes of weekend was spoken during a benediction Rev. Rob Bell said at the end of his talk. In the blessing, he prayed that by embracing the life we already have, may we come to see that we are already living the life we want.

How powerful is that?!?

What it made me see is that everything in my life – every sad moment and every happy one, every struggle and every celebration, every breakdown and every breakthrough, and every single choice I’ve ever made – has led me to the moment I am living right now.

And, if I embrace all of it with arms wide open, rather than resisting and pushing away the events and circumstances I don’t like, if I stop pretending that I don’t feel the pain and sadness when things don’t go the way I hoped they would, and if I take the time to just see and listen to the lesson I’m being taught in that moment, then I can trust that I am exactly where I need to be on the path leading me to where I want to go!

The same is true for you.

I know that not everything in your life looks the way you’d like it to.

I know that you have challenges and situations that feel like immovable barriers right now.

I know that you’ve experienced heartache and that even the thought of ever experiencing something like that again keeps you stuck and not wanting to take the steps you know can lead you in the direction of your hopes and dreams.

I also know that you have within you all of the power, beauty and grace to move forward and break through those barriers with strength, grace, and ease.

I know that you have the strength to face the choices you have made, to forgive yourself, and to break free from all of that unnecessary pain you’ve been carrying with you.

And, most of all, I know that you don’t have to do it alone. That’s why we’re here. That is our life’s purpose.

So, wherever you are on your journey – whether you are on the precipice of a huge breakthrough, or in a dark valley – know that there is a light within you just waiting to be ignited and unleashed!

Know that, if you allow it to, everything around you is pulling you toward the life and love your heart desires. You just have to let go of the past, the fear, and the heartache, so that you can let loose and set yourself free!

Nothing would make us happier than to see you living your every dream come true, except knowing that we, in some small way, played a part in helping that happen for you!

So, if you are ready to begin experience the life, happiness, and love that is waiting for you, know that we are only a phone call away!

Just click here to schedule a Ready for Love Breakthrough Session!

Know and believe that you truly can have the life and love your heart desires, and that we’re here to serve you!

Until our hearts meet again, always remember that you are loved!



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