by Gladys Diaz 


Here we are at the closing of another year, and this year it’s a little bit of a bigger  deal. It’s also the closing of a decade! 

 As you look forward to ringing in this new year (and new decade!) let me ask you a question.

 And be honest with yourself here. 

 Are you where you thought you would be when it comes to love? 

 While talking to a woman the other day, she realized that it had been 11 years since she’d been in a relationship. It’s been an entire decade since she experienced love! 

 When we think about it in terms of years, it really puts it into perspective doesn’t it?!

 Now, I don’t tell you this or ask you the question to depress you or make you feel bad.

 I simply know that if the topic of love is important to you (and I know it is, because you’re reading this), then it’s probably something you gave some thought to as you entered into 2019. 

 And if you’re not where you thought you would be by now, it’s probably on your mind for 2020.

 There is a powerful opportunity for you here to have an honest conversation with yourself about where you are and where you want to go. It matters to you and it gets to happen this decade and even this year!!

 I invite you to go through the following exercise, RIGHT NOW! 

 Take out a piece of paper and take just a few minutes to answer the questions and think about what you yearn to create. Be crystal-clear about how you feel about what you want. 

 I heard recently, “Our actions are our prayers to heaven.” What are your actions saying about what you really truly want? 

 New Year, New Decade Personal Inventory Exercise 

1. Look at where you thought you’d be. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, where did you think you’d be in December 2019? 

Write it down. Be very clear and as descriptive as possible. 

Did you think you’d be in a committed, loving relationship? 

Did you think you’d be spending Christmas with someone you love? 

Did you think you’d be traveling with this person? 

Did you think your relationship would be more passionate by this time this year? 

Be very honest with yourself here. And remember: Our brains are designed to look for what’s going to protect you, not what will actually make you happy. So there’s no right or wrong answer here, just make sure you are being very honest with yourself. 

2. Where are you now, compared to where you thought you’d be? 

Is it the same? Better? Worse than you thought? 

Have you even thought about it this year? 

Have you distracted yourself with other things because it hurts too much to try? 

Do you feel like you’re okay, but really you’re just surviving because you don’t have what you really yearn for? 

Again, be really honest here. If you continue to make it “okay,” even if it’s not what you really want, nothing will ever change. 

3. Now that you’ve compared, honesty, where you thought you’d be to where you actually are… what’s missing? What’s in the gap? 

Get honest with yourself. Admit that you’re tired of it being this way. 

And look at yourself. What needs to shift? 

Get curious about what is in the way.

Note: It’s not that the guy is the thing that’s missing…. What gets to shift inside you so that you can create what you want to create in love?

4. The last step is to write your vision about where you want to be. 

Where do you want to be in December 2020? A year from now, what will you have created? 

What does it look like?

How does it feel to be in that kind of relationship?

How will you know that  you’re exactly in the place you want to be?

Write it down. 

Maybe what you write now is different from what you thought you wanted last year. That’s okay.

You’ve had experiences this year, you’ve grown, you’ve learned. 

Or maybe you haven’t and you feel stagnant. 

Either way, honor where you’ve come over the last year,  and based on where you are today, write what it is that you want to create now.

How did that feel? How was that exercise for you? 

We really hope you took the time to do it, because it’s powerful. It’s only in knowing what we want and seeing what’s in our way that we can overcome the blocks and create it! 

That’s why we’ve opened up just a few more Love Breakthrough Sessions on our calendars before the end of the year.  Because what’s in the way isn’t always something you can see on your own. Sharing your vision and your gaps with someone who can guide and give you the exact steps you can take to overcome the obstacles and truly create what you want can make all the difference between staying where you are now or actually being in the relationship you dream of at this time next year.. 

Make sense? 

That’s why we’re here. 

1) To be another set of eyes, eyes experienced in love, to really help you to see what’s in your gap. 

2) we’re here to help you get to where you want to be without having to experience some of the pain that we have experienced or that we’ve seen others experience. We get to coach you to create the love you desire and create it NOW. 

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

Make 2020 the year you set your dreams on fire!