by Gladys Diaz

Disappointed Woman_FDP_ID-10070636

This week I found myself dealing with many disappointments. I’m usually a pretty positive person, but I have to admit that I had more than a few moments of frustration, sadness, and crying sessions.  Working myself through the disappointment took a willingness to just be with the feelings, rather than resisting them; be responsible for the role I’d played in having things turn out the way they did; and courage to dust myself off and pick myself up again!  I also discovered that, as disappointing as a situation may be, the lessons learned are part of the journey and that, if I can be open to seeing what those lessons are, I am one step closer to achieving my goals and dreams.

It’s no different when it comes to dating in relationships.  Whether you’re disappointed that you’re not attracting the kind of man you’d like to share your life with, or you’re disappointed about the way a conversation with your husband or boyfriend went, it’s how you choose to deal with the disappointment can affect how beneficial the learning experience can be.

So, what are some ways that you can effectively deal with disappointments in relationships?

  • Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you are feeling.  Trying to resist feeling sad, upset, or disillusioned is futile. As the saying goes: “What your resists persists,” so give yourself permission to feel what you’re feeling.  The key to getting to the other side of the disappointment, however, is to avoid wrapping yourself in the feeling and staying “stuck” there.  Instead, acknowledge what you’re feeling, allow yourself to feel it, and, then let it go.  The other day, my sister and I gave each other permission to vent about an issue we were having for 10 minutes.  Once those 10 minutes were over, we moved on to seeking solutions! It was great because we didn’t have to go through making one another wrong for feeling how we were feeling or pretending that we weren’t feeling that way, which deepened the intimacy we share.


In a romantic relationship, you may want to give yourself a “time out” before sharing how you are feeling.  Why?  Because at times, our emotions are super-charged at the moment of disappointment, and we may end up saying or doing something we’re later going to regret, thus adding to the disappointment.  So, it’s much better to sort through what it is that you are feeling – perhaps by venting with someone who is not a part of the situation – before choosing to share those feelings with our partner.


  • Take responsibility for the role you played in the situation.  Whether a mistake was made, something could have been done differently, you said or did something that contributed to the situation, or you fueled the flames by defending your point of view or making the other person wrong, own the role you played in how things turned out.  Taking responsibility is not about assigning fault or blame.  It’s simply about being willing to acknowledge what you did or said that contributed to the situation. This is important, because, once you take responsibility for the role you played in the situation, you can also take the credit for helping to turn things around!  So, rather than defend yourself or assign blame to others, just take responsibility for the part you played so that you can move forward. Which brings us to the next point:



  • Avoid staying stuck in the muck.  I don’t know about you, but I really don’t enjoy failing, making mistakes, or having things turn out differently than I imagined.  I prefer success a whole lot more!  However, sometimes, after having experienced a disappointment, it can be difficult to want to try again.  We fear having to experience the sting of disappointment again, and this can cause us to want to want to quit and stop trying.  The problem, however, is that, until we’re willing to step out of the muck and try again, we’ll never truly know what we’re capable of creating.


So, if you’re disappointed with regard to your experience with dating, revise your online profile, look for another online site that may be more to your liking, and trying out new places and activities where you might meet potential suitors.  If you’re disappointed with the level of love and romance in your relationship, do something fun and romantic with or for your partner.  And if you feel as if you’re struggling to make your relationship work, reach out a relationship coach or someone you know who can help you see what you may be able to do turn things around.  There is always help and there’s always hope!


And throughout all of this, remember that, as painful and uncomfortable as the disappointment may seem, there are life and love lessons to be learned at every moment – each one another stepping stone in your journey.  And every time you choose to have the courage to identify what those lessons are and apply them in your life and relationships, you are one step closertoward achieving your dreams and fulfilling your heart’s desires!


Comments?  Questions?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!



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