by Gladys Diaz


The other day I wrote about why simply attracting a great man into your life is not enough to create a happy, lasting relationship.

The truth is that, unless you identify the fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from experiencing the love you dream of, you will most likely self-sabotage your way out of even a great relationship with a wonderful man.


Because, undistinguished, fears and doubts appear real

Until you distinguish and dismantle the thoughts and dysfunctional relationship patterns, they will creep up and color the way you see, hear, and experience things in a relationship.

Today I’d like to share the testimonial of a woman who, after going through a bitter divorce, and “kissing a lot of frogs,” finally got clear about the type of relationship she wanted to experience and attracted a wonderful man into her life!

Even though she’d met a great man, she almost pushed him away.  As great as he was, and as wonderful as she felt when she was with him, she almost ended the relationship over his height and a pair of jeans!

We did some work together to uncover some of the fears that had been deeply buried, were completely in her blind spot, and were about to have her self-sabotage her way out of the best thing that ever happened to her!

No one can tell the story like she can, so click below to listen to a short clip of the testimonial.

Osmara and Jonathan2
Not kissing frogs anymore! Now she’s kissing the man of her dreams!

Click below to listen to the entire interview and hear about her personal journey to experiencing a love far greater than she ever imagined was possible!


If you’re ready to stop self-sabotaging your way out of love, and you are ready to begin experiencing success in your relationships, it’s time to take a bold and courageous step in the direction of your dreams! Just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and create a plan for helping you get out of your own way so that you can make your dreams come true!


Questions?  Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!