by Gladys Diaz 


Have you ever experienced this? You go on a date and, from your perspective, you have a GREAT time! The conversation flowed easily, you had fun together, there weren’t any awkward silences, and he even mentioned that he’d love to see you again soon!

And then…

You never hear from him again. 

What is that about, right?! 

So many women get frustrated with this aspect of dating because it can be so confusing.

When this type of thing happens to you over and over and over again, it’s easy to make up stories about men in general, or about yourself. 

You think: 

All men are flakes and dating is a waste of time. 

All men want is to sleep with me on the first date, and if I don’t, then I’ll never hear from him again. 

I’m too much for guys. They just don’t get me. 

There must be something wrong with me because I never get asked out on a second date. 

Sound familiar? 

Here are some DATING SKILLS that will help you to not just get asked out on a date with one man, but to be asked out on multiple dates with multiple men. 

First, there are two things that are extremely important to remember when dating that will save you a lot of unnecessary heartache. 

1.      Remember that you’re not the only person he’s going out with. He’s most likely talking to other women besides you, going on multiple dates a week, and trying to keep everything straight, just like you are. This is NORMAL. It’s how dating works. He’s getting to know different women (you being one of them) to see who he wants to continue getting to know better and possibly have a relationship with.

So how do you handle this? 

2.      You date more than one man at a time, too! When you’ve got multiple dates on your calendar and you’re having conversations with more than one man at a time, it saves you from being so hyper-aware of what each of them are doing and helps you not get attached to someone too soon. 

Want to stop picking up your phone anxiously every time it buzzes and feeling the constant disappointment that it’s not him? Date this way. This is the game-changer. We promise you he’s dating this way, so enjoy the dating experience more by doing this, too!

The next best way to make yourself irresistible to a man and ensure that you get asked on that 2nd date is to be CONFIDENT. 

When you exude confidence, you don’t pursue, you aren’t overly complimentary, and you don’t put pressure on a man to choose you. When you’re confident, you don’t give into the fears that he’s not thinking about you or rationalize doing things (like texting him first, sending a funny meme or a great article) to get on his radar. 

When you’re confident, you wait to hear from him, giving yourself the gift of being pursued. You are PRESENT in the conversation when you’re on the date, being in the moment and not in your head about what you should say and do. You show up as interested AND interesting because you know how to balance talking about yourself while also showing interest in him. 

When you’re confident, you smile, compliment him, and let him know that you’re having a good time. You don’t complain about him or about your life, you show positivity, lightness and fun. This is what makes you irresistible to a man. 

So, if you aren’t currently feeling confident about yourself in dating how do you get there? 


BE confident. Be present on the date and remind yourself that you’re simply getting to know someone. Take the pressure off of yourself and him. Relax and have fun getting to know another human being. 

And smile. 🙂 Smiling transforms nervous energy to excited energy! So, if at any moment you aren’t sure what to say or you feel things are getting awkward, just smile and take a sip of your water, and wait for him to make the next move. 

Dating is meant to be fun! And who wouldn’t want to go out on a second date with a woman who is confident, light, and fun?

If you’d like to learn even more dating skills, or you know someone who would, join us for our 2-day event, “Extraordinary Love NOW!”, which is happening NEXT weekend – September 13th and 14th – in Miami, FL. We’ll be teaching 2 FULL DAYS of deep, HeartWork that WILL transform the way you feel about dating AND the RESULTS that you’re currently experiencing.  And, by the way, we’re doing it ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Learn More Here

Dating really can be fun! You just need to have the right skillset and know how to start BEING that Irresistible Woman that a man asks out again and again!


Not local and want a real shift in your experience of dating? Schedule time to speak with our team and get ready to have the love you want!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session here!