by Gladys Diaz

strong yoga woman_FDP_ID-100116383As women, we don’t always realize the incredible power we have to create the types of relationships we long to experience.  It’s easy to look outside of ourselves – perhaps to the history in our families around relationships, to what the world and media outlets are saying is possible, to other people (mainly men) that we can blame – to explain or justify why we are not experiencing what we want in our love lives and relationships.

What takes courage and vulnerability is the willingness to turn the mirror around and look within.  It takes courage because, acknowledging that I am the one who can create a change in my life – that I have the power to do that – means that I have to take responsibility for why my relationship and my life don’t look the way I want them to.  It means acknowledging where I might need to make some changes, let go of trying to control things, and create space in my life for the love, laughter, peace, and miracles I want to see, feel, and live!

As I shared with someone earlier this week, when I am willing to be responsible for the role I’ve played in my life and my relationship looking the way they do, then I can also take the credit for having made the changes necessary to turn them around!  Now, that’s empowering!

As empowering as it is, it’s not always “easy” to take on being responsible and making the changes that will make a difference.  And it also doesn’t make it any less scary.  There will be a part of us that will wonder or doubt whether the changes will really make a difference.  And it can be tempting to have that fear and doubt talk us out of taking action.

For example, a single woman may wonder if giving up her checklist of necessary requirements a man “must” meet in order to date her will mean that she’ll have to settle for someone she’s not interested in or attracted to.  Unless her belief that she can have the relationship of her dreams with a man who is interesting, to whom she’s attracted, and who treats her like the goddess she is becomes bigger than her fear, she’ll make the fear and doubt the reasons why she can’t give up the checklist.  And she may be cheating herself out of experiencing the very relationship she says she wants.

If a married woman feels that her marriage has lost the romance, that there’s no more friendship or passion, and all that’s left is an amicable roommate-type of relationship, she may wonder whether being more appreciative, more vulnerable, and inviting some romance back into the relationship and the bedroom will work.  After all… it’s been years since she felt butterflies in her stomach and gotten goosebumps when he touches or looks at her that way.  Allowing herself to be vulnerable also means taking a risk, not knowing how he’ll respond or whether he’ll be interested in having things change.  So, unless her belief that she can experience love, passion, and romance again with the man she promised to love forever is bigger than her fear of possibly having her efforts rejected, the fears and doubts will have her cheat herself out of experiencing the very intimacy she longs for.

So, to begin choosing your heart’s desires over your fears:

  • Acknowledge what your heart desires.  Write it down. Describe how your dream relationship feels. What is the experience of being in that relationship like?


  • Notice the fears and doubts that come up as you are describing your dream relationship.  What types of thoughts creep into your mind?


  • Choose to honor your heart’s desires over your fears.  Acknowledge the fears and doubts, and choose to take an action that’s aligned with the type of relationship you want to have, anyway!

It simply comes down to choice. You can choose your fears and doubts, or you can choose to honor your heart’s desires.  You can choose to avoid taking a risk, or you can choose to put your heart on the line and allow yourself the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised.  You can choose to talk about wanting a happy, loving, intimate relationship, or you can create one.  You can choose to allow things to stay the way they are and pretend like you don’t have the power to change them, or you can begin taking the steps to transform them.

The choice, as with anything else, is always up to you. 

The real question is: Will you choose to step into your power to create the relationship and the life your heart desires?

If you’re ready to choose your happiness, your dreams, and your heart desires and you’d like support in making them come true, then take a few moments to learn more about how you can begin putting that choice into action today!

Click here to learn more!


This is your life and your happiness we’re talking about!  It’s time to choose YOU!


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