by Gladys Diaz

Confidence Panel

Last week, I had the honor of sitting on a panel at The Zone Event, which was hosted by my business coach, Shanda Sumpter.  She invited me to share my story of how my relationship coaching practice has allowed me to work with and help women all over globe to attract, create, and nurture the relationship of their dreams!

For me, this moment itself was a dream come true!

As I prepared to share my story, I remembered all of the times when I questioned myself, when I wondered if I was on the right path, and whether I could really make the difference I feel I am called to make on this earth.

I remembered not knowing what to do, where to begin, and how to deal with mistakes I made.

I remembered all of the times that my coach was there to help me see what was stopping me from moving forward, push me past my comfort zone, and encourage me to keep moving forward, reminding me that my dream of helping women make their dreams come true was bigger than any fear, obstacle, or disappointment I might be facing.

And I thought about you.

What is it that you wonder about?

Do you question your ability to attract and create the relationship you’ve always dreamed of?

Do you wonder whether there is something “wrong” with you, because you keep having the same results in your relationships?

Are you afraid that there’s no hope for you or your relationship?


What’s important for you to know is that you are not alone in having these fears.  You are like every other woman has ever wondered about whether she will ever really have the love and happiness her heart longs for.


So, what can you do to overcome your fears so that you can go after the desires of your heart?


Get clear about what you want.

It’s important that you be crystal-clear about what it is you want to experience in your relationship.  Otherwise, you’ll find yourself settling for something less than that.  Ask yourself:

How do I want my relationship to be? 

What is the experience I want to have as I am in that relationship?

How will I know that I know that I am in the relationship of my dreams?


Identify what is stopping you from having what you want.

Behind the fears and doubts are some deep-seeded beliefs you have about yourself, men, and relationships.  Until you identify what those beliefs are what it is that has been having you repeat patterns in dating and/or your relationship, it really won’t matter who you are with.  The same thoughts and behaviors will come up, even when you are with the right man.  Until they are uncovered, they remain hidden, and they will continue to impact what you do and who you choose to be when you are in a relationship with a man.


Be committed to moving past your blocks and toward your dreams.

It takes courage to admit what your heart desires and to move past your fears and doubts.  It may be that right now you’re not sure about what to do or where to begin.  So much of what stops us is in our blind spot, making it difficult to even know what is creating the block.


If you can be 100% honest with yourself and recognize that what you have been doing up to this point has not worked and you’re tired of having the same heart-breaking experiences, then perhaps you’re ready for a change!

If you’re reading this post, and you’re ready to begin working with someone who will help you create the results you want in your love life, trust that you are exactly where you need to be!

If you’re single, you still have a few more days before we close registration for the Ready to Love Again 6-Week Course.  Let’s schedule time to get on the phone, talk about any questions you may have about the program, and get you registered right away so that we can send you the recording of Session 1 and you can join us for Saturday’s group coaching call!

If you’re in a relationship and you’re wondering how to restore the happiness, romance, and intimacy you once shared with the man you love, then let’s schedule time on the phone and get you started on the path toward transforming your relationship to one that exceeds your wildest dreams!

You can have everything your heart desires.  It just takes courage, faith, inspired action, and the guidance of someone who is standing for you to do what it takes to make your dreams come true!

Contact us and let’s talk about how we can be that “someone” for you!


Questions? Comments?  We’d love hearing from you!  Let us know below!