by Gladys Diaz

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You want to be in a loving, passionate relationship. You have read books and blogs, attended courses, envisioned, wished, hoped, and prayed for the man of your dreams to walk into your life. You want to share your life – the successes, the pitfalls, and the ordinary moments – with a man who loves and accepts you for who you are.

So what’s standing in your way?


It’s your own fears, your doubts, the thoughts that you try not to pay attention to – the ones that tell you:

“You don’t deserve it. You’re not meant to be in a relationship. It’s too late. You’re too old. You’ve gone through too much. You’re okay on your own.”

It’s the disempowering thoughts that have you feel happy for your friend when she announces that she’s met a great guy or she’s getting married while at the same time make you wonder why it can happen for her, but not for you.

It’s the belief that being in a great relationship has to do with being “lucky” rather than being ready. That it has to do with something outside of yourself, rather than something you create and attract into your life.

I’m here to let you know that all of those thoughts, fears, and doubts may  feel

real, but they’re not. They are just your mind’s way of keeping you stuck where you are – alone, disillusioned, and terrified that you’re really not going to ever have the love your heart desires.

See, it feels safer to stay where you are than it does to take a risk and put your heart out there again. It seems easier to say you’d rather be alone than to admit that you’d actually like to share your life.

And it’s much easier to place the blame and responsibility of your current circumstances on the ideas that there aren’t any good men out there, that you’re just not “relationship material,” or that it’s better not to get married because people just end up divorced anyway than to honor your desire to be in a romantic, intimate relationship where you get to experience the joy of loving and being loved every day for the rest of your life.So your mind helps protect you from the possibility of being hurt or disappointed.

The questions you want to ask yourself are:

Just how much longer are you willing to put your happiness and your dreams on hold?

How much longer are you going to choose feeling safe over the joy of feeling loved?

Just how long are you willing to stay where you are?

How much longer are you willing to let your fear control you?

If you’re tired of being stuck, you’re ready to take a bold and courageous step toward creating the life and relationship of your dreams, and your answer to these questions is “Not a minute longer!”then join us tonight, Monday, April 1, 2013, from 8:00 – 10:30 p.m. for a FREE Orientation Call about the upcoming “Attract and Marry the Man Who’s Right for You” 1-Day Workshop that is taking place this Saturday, April 6th.

On this call you will have the opportunity to hear the testimonials of women who have met their boyfriends and husbands as a result of having participated in the workshop.

We’ll also be talking about what you will discover at the workshop, including how to:


  • Stop hunting and start attracting the right man
  • Ask men to ask you out so that you’re never without a date
  • Become your best self and attract men at your level
  • Enjoy the pleasure of being pursued
  • Make every date fun
This is your life, your love story.  You get to have a say in how goes! And we’re here to support and guide you!

Register here to join us tonight for the FREE Orientation Call tonight and get ready to start creating and living you’re very own happily ever after!

Comments? Questions?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!

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