by Gladys Diaz 

Do you trust yourself?

Do you feel like you’re someone you can count on? 

Do you feel confident in your ability to make the right choices? 

Do you believe that you’ll be able to make the big life-changing decisions that will be best for you? 

If you don’t trust yourself, you’ll find yourself struggling to make choices (especially big ones!) and then doubting the decision once you do.

This is a stressful way to live! 

It also doesn’t lead to being able to create the relationship (and life) of your dreams. 

If you answered yes to any of those questions above, what made you stop trusting yourself? 

Maybe it was a decision you made that didn’t work out?

Or possibly you realized that you’d made a choice that you’d known wasn’t good for you and it turned out badly?

Or it could be that you simply don’t follow through with the things you say you will do (like waking up at a certain time, exercising daily, etc.) which eventually leads to you feeling like you can’t count on yourself.

When these things go unhealed, the trust in yourself fades and you begin to doubt even the most basic of decisions. 

Sound familiar?

So, how do you rebuild that trust so you can feel confident in your ability to be the leader of your life? 

  • Recognize what you’re still holding onto that’s causing you to doubt yourself.

The first thing you need to do in the process of rebuilding trust with yourself is to recognize what it was that began the erosion of trust in the first place. 

For example, one of our clients had married a man who she’d known was not good for her. Before they got married, her intuition had tried to warn her he had character flaws she shouldn’t overlook but she chose to marry him anyways. 

After years of dishonesty and affairs, and a few children later, she finally removed herself from the situation but she continued to carry that around with her. 

She thought that if she continued to hold that decision from years ago against herself that it would help her to not make the same mistake again. 

But that’s not how it works. 

When you continue to hold something against yourself that you did in the past all you’re actually doing is perpetuating the experience of doubting yourself which will only lead to the same experiences you’ve created in the past.

So what do you do?   

  • Accept the impact that the decision had on your life and forgive yourself. 

You must accept the things in your life that the decision created for you and then stop holding onto the past.

Have it be okay that the woman that made the decision you made, was doing the best she could do at the time! It’s easy to look back and wish we’d chosen differently with what we know now, but unfortunately that’s not how it works. We learn from our mistakes and seeing them as opportunities for growth helps you to forgive yourself. 

When you forgive yourself and let go of the past, you open up the opportunity for new experiences to come in. The energy that you were using to continually beat yourself up, you can now take and use to create something extraordinary.

  • Identify the values you have for yourself and consistently move forward with them.

Once you’ve let go of the past, forgiven yourself and committed to moving forward then you must do so with integrity and consistency to rebuild that broken trust!

Identify what you value, what matters to you most, and do those things consistently. 

If you say you’ll wake up at 6am every morning, do it! If you say you’ll exercise 3 times this week, make sure it happens! 

Become the kind of person you can count on because if you end up snoozing the alarm and not getting out of bed until 7 or if you only exercise 1 or 2 times when you said 3… it will continue to be hard to trust yourself.

The more you’re able to count on yourself, the more you’ll believe in your ability to create the relationship of your dreams!

You may need some support with any of these steps and if you do, that’s where we come in! A lifetime of doubting yourself makes it difficult to believe you can create the things that you want. 

If you’d like support identifying what it is that has you doubting yourself, figuring out how to forgive yourself and let it go, or create some accountability in consistently moving forward with your goals and rebuilding that trust with yourself, book a Love Breakthrough Session Now!

 Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now!

Remember, you are not your decisions or your mistakes. 

Open yourself up and free your heart, mind and soul so that you irresistible essence can shine through!