by Gladys Diaz


If you are a smart, successful woman who is READY to have success in your love life, then this is the one article you want to read all the way through today, because it is your LUCKY day!

While having a successful relationship has nothing to do with luck, we do believe in Divine Timing and in the power you have to manifest your dreams, and in rewarding bold and courageous actions, so we are about to help you make your dreams come true!

If you are a woman who feels like you have “The Midas Touch” in every area of your life except your love life and you are ready to prove just how committed you are to creating and living in the relationship of your dreams, give us three days and we will show you exactly how to have success in BOTH life and love!

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You’ve read books, attended workshops and webinars, bought infoproducts, listened to teleclasses, and even spoken to a few coaches, but you’restill not in the loving, intimate relationship your heart desires, which leaves you feeling frustrated, lonely, and wondering whether or not you’ll ever have the relationship of your dreams.
  • You know there are thought and behavior patterns that keep getting in the way of either attracting the right man or having a relationship work, but you can’t figure out how to stop repeating the same self-sabotaging behaviors, no matter who it is you’re dating or in a relationship with. And this has you wondering if there’s something wrong with you, men, or relationships in general.
  • You know that dating and relationships shouldn’t feel “hard,” but you dread going on yet another unsuccessful date or having another relationship end, and the thought of having your heart broken again has you either holding onto a relationship that isn’t working or avoiding opening your heart to new love.
  • You’re at the point where you are ready and willing to make the changes that will finally give you the successful results you want in your love life and you just want to know how to do it.

If you resonated with any or all of the points above, don’t worry. You’re not alone.

Most smart successful women are in a similar place.


Because what most people don’t know is that there is a very unique set of challenges that successful women face when it comes to relationships.

The main reason is because many of the skills that propel us in our careers and businesses actually repel love and intimacy in romantic relationships! But, because they work at work, we mistakenly believe that those same skills and behaviors will work when it comes to love.

Unfortunately, they don’t work, and we are unconsciously self-sabotaging ourselves out of the very happiness we want more than anything else in the world!

Now, I know that you don’t need a man to make you happy. Your happiness is 100% your responsibility.

However, if what your heart truly desires is to be in a loving, intimate, passionate relationship with a man who is absolutely right for you; who’s not threatened, but is inspired, by your success; and who is ready to spend the rest of his life letting you know just how much he loves you, then doesn’t it make sense for you to work toward that goal as diligently – if not even more passionately – as you would any one of your professional or career goals?

As a successful, powerful woman myself, I know what it almost cost me to not know the skills that led to creating a loving, peaceful, passionate relationship. In fact, it almost cost me my marriage!

It wasn’t until I learned what barriers were in the way of me having love and intimacy flow easily and abundantly; how to tap into my Irresistible, Feminine Essence; and how to use effective communication and relationship skills to connect deeply with my man that I was able to turn my relationship around. 

Now, after 18 years together, I can tell you that there is nothing I have accomplished in my career – not any award, achievement, or recognition – that holds a candle to what it feels like when my husband says that the woman I am inspires him to be the best man he can be!

If you want to learn the secrets to creating a successful, happy, loving relationship that stands the test of time with the right man for you, then join us for three days transformational heart-and-life-changing days at The Irresistible Woman LIVE!


The Irresistible Woman LIVE was specifically designed for the successful woman who wants to have success in her love life, too!

The Irresistible Woman LIVE is especially designed for the successful, powerful professional woman like you who wants to experience as much – if not even more – success in her love life and relationships as she does in her career!

If you are tired, frustrated, and feeling hopeless about your ability to have both a successful and fulfilling career and an extraordinary romantic relationship, then you need to be at this event!

As we said , this event is specifically for successful women – women who are used to going above and beyond to get what they want – so it’s going to be a no-holds-barred-tough-love seminar!

In this 3-day event, you will:

  • Take a deep dive into why you are not attracting or experiencing the kind of love that you want in your relationships (and learn how to stop the self-sabotage)
  • Uncover the specific thoughts, actions, and behaviors you are using to block love from coming into your life so that you can begin to experience love, happiness, and abundance in your romantic relationships
  • Identify the skills that propel you in the workplace but completely kill love and intimacy in romantic relationships (and learn the skills that magnify love and romance)
  • Create new thought patterns and behaviors that will allow you to shed the masculine energy you carry around at work so that you can embrace the feminine energy that will make you Simply Irresistible to the right man
  • Design a plan for implementing what you have learned into your life on adaily basis so that you are continuously experiencing more success in your love life!
  • And soooo much more!

If you are seriously committed to having the life and love your heart desires, there is absolutely NO reason for you not to be there!

To make sure you know how committed WE are to helping get the loving relationship you want, we’re making this an irresistible, no-brainer decision for you!

When you register today you will save about $300 on your ticket (No, that is NOT a typo! You’ll save $300, but only for a limited time. After that, the prices jump up!)

Don’t miss out! Claim your ticket NOW!

Here’s the thing:

As a successful woman, you know that a huge part of your success is taking decisive actions that are aligned with the goals you want to accomplish.

That’s why we are only making this special offer for the next seven days. And, once it goes away, we will NOT be making it again.

And, for the first 10 women who register today, we will automatically upgrade you to VIP status!  

That’s right, as a VIP you will receive:

  • Preferred seating all 3 days so that you are up front, don’t have to worry about finding a seat, and can get up close and personal with us!
  • A special VIP-only luncheon on Day 2 where you will be able to mix and mingle with The Love Twins and the other VIPs
  • An intimate VIP-only evening reception with Michelle, Gladys, and their husbands where you will be able to get ALL of your questions about
  • And many more VIP-only perks and surprises!

The VIP ticket is normally $600,  and you get it for the Super Early Bird Price of a General Admission ticket simply for being one of the first 10 to grab your spot!

So, don’t make up excuses, don’t put this off, and don’t suffer from FOMO!

Our events sell out quickly and you WILL miss your opportunity to learn the exact steps you can take to effortlessly begin attracting the loving relationship your desire and deserve at a simply irresistible price!

This is it!  Click and grab your spot now!

Seneca said, Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

We’re giving you the opportunity to create your own luck and learn the skills you need to have the success that you want and deserve in the lasting, loving, and fulfilling relationship your heart truly desires!

This event only happens once a year, this is a one-time offer, and you simply don’t want to miss this amazing, transformational event!

Click here to claim your ticket!

We can’t wait to meet and spend 3 life-and-love-changing days with you!