by Gladys Diaz Is your life telling you something? If you want to know, just look at your past and your present. The lessons we most need tend to repeat themselves until they are finally learned! And, if you want to know where the patterns of your life begin, just notice your thoughts. The average human being has between 12,000 and 60,000 each day! Unfortunately, 80% of those thoughts are negative and 95% of them are the same exact thoughts you had the day before (and sometimes decades before!). So, if 80% of your thoughts about dating, love, relationships, or your partner are negative, then is it any wonder why you don’t have the kind of loving relationship you desire? Now, before you start beating yourself up (or deleting this email) because of that last sentence, hear me out. I know you’re not intentionally choosing to block love from your life. A lot of these pervasive and repetitive thoughts are happening subconsciously. Think about how difficult it can be to break a bad habit. Although you know that eating an entire bag of chips while watching TV or procrastinating working on a big project, or not organizing your receipts before tax season are all things that will eventually have a negative consequence, you still eat the chips, spend hours on social media, and telling yourself that you’ll organize those receipts tomorrow. Or, even though you know that sleeping with a guy too soon rarely turns into a solid, committed relationship and that you’re going to feel hurt, used, and disappointed (again) if you sleep with him, you tell yourself that “This time might be different.” You put aside your boundaries and values for a few moments of pleasure, even thought you know things are probably going to turn out the same way again. Another example is holding onto a relationship you know is not going anywhere or that is simply not right for you.  Even all the signs are pointing to “This is not it,” you keep holding on, hoping things will change, even though you know in your heart of hearts that it won’t. Why do you do that? Because the human brain is a creature of habit and you will hold on to what you know – what’s familiar – even though you know it’s stopping you from having the kind of loving relationship and life you really want. So, the negative consequences reinforce the negative thought patterns, until you start relating to them as “the truth, and eventually find yourself giving up on your dreams.   So, how do you break this vicious cycle? You learn how to transform your mind so that you can create new results. You learn how to completely break apart those thought patterns and replace them with new ones – but not simply through “positive thinking” or “positive self-talk.” You learn how to truly go into your subconscious and uproot the thoughts that have been creating real barriers to you attracting and having the love you want. Listen to your life.  It’s telling you something. It has been for a while now. Stop ignoring the signs that what you’ve been doing simply isn’t working for you. You can choose to continue repeating the same thoughts and actions and creating the same results. If you do, there’s a huge chance you’ll regret it and then wonder why things simply never worked out for you. Or you can choose to break through and break free from anything that’s standing between you and having the love you want. It’s only in letting go of the past that you can create space in your mind, life, and heart to welcome in new and extraordinary love. As Rumi said, Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” You can have the love you want. You simply have to let go of what hasn’t worked so that you can have what your heart most desires. Are you ready to let go of what isn’t working so that you can have the love you want? If so, click below and schedule time to talk with one of us. We will help you identify what your major Love Barriers have been and give you a step-by-step plan for letting them go so that you can have the love you want! Click to talk with one of us!