by Gladys Diaz

fork-in-the-road_bingHave you ever had one of those moments when you feel like you are exactly where you were meant to be?

Last week was like that for me!

I spent the first part of the week in California with one of my mentors and her coaches, and then spent the last part of the week attending a very intensive 3-day business workshop where I had incredible personal breakthroughs.

I just love transformation, don’t you?

During both events, I had the opportunity to listen to amazing women share about their personal journeys of how they came to where they are now in their lives, relationships, and businesses.  With each interaction, I was able to connect with them on very personal level and share some of my heart with them, as well.

Some of the stories I heard this week were heart-breaking. 

I met women who had lost everything due to natural disasters and unforeseen circumstances and had to rebuild their lives. 

I spoke to women who had hit a wall in their love lives and, with coaching, were able to turn their relationships completely around.

I met women who are still experiencing the dark part of their journeys, but who were committed to working on transforming those areas of their lives.

I saw women break through their fears right in front of my very eyes!

All of these women – from different parts of the world, economic situations, and life circumstances – shared one thing in common: The unwillingness to stay stuck where they were.

Some may call that perseverance, tenacity, or determination.  I call it the Essence of who we are as women.

There is something that lies within the core of our Selves – some refer to it as our spirit, or soul – that we are equipped with, which makes us able to experience pain and resolve to move forward with grace and strength.

If you are in one of those dark moments in your life –

If your relationship is falling apart and you don’t know where or how to begin to turn it around…

If you are frustrated with dating and are close to wanting to give up (or you already have)…

If you are feeling lost, lonely, and afraid all the time and long to love and be loved…

I want you to know that you are not alone

No matter what it is you are going through, there is love, peace, and freedom on the other side of this!  It may not seem like it now, but I promise you – because I have been through my own dark valleys when it comes to love – that you can experience more love, joy, and fulfillment than you can imagine!

It will take some work to get there, and some of it won’t be “easy,” but, as I said, you won’t be alone.


As we approach the end of 2014, take an inventory of your love life.  Ask yourself:

  • Is my love life everything I want it to be?
  • Even if things are “good” or “okay,” is there another level of love and intimacy I’d like to discover?
  • If my love life is not what I want it to be, am I willing to take a courageous step forward and do the inner and outer Heart Work to shift that and begin seeing my heart’s desires fulfilled?

These are questions only you can answer.  Only you know what’s really going on in your heart.

Whatever your answers to these questions, I’m happy to help you walk through any of them, if you’re ready.  I truly am here to serve and support you, and my commitment is that you actually begin to see your heart’s desires fulfilled. Just click here to set up a time to talk.