by Gladys Diaz

It’s really heartbreaking to us when we meet women who seem to be okay with putting their happiness to the side, especially when it comes to being in a happy, loving relationship.  We don’t know if you are one of them, but, in case you are, we hope you’ll understand that we are taking a stand for you right now!

And you may not like what I’m about to say, but that’s okay!

If you have been complaining about your love life, crying to your friends and family about how unfair it is that you’re still  not married, that your ex is moving on with his life, and that you can’t seem to meet someone to whom you feel attracted and connected, and you still haven’t signed up for the “Ready to Love Again” 6-Week Course, only one question remains:

How much longer will you put off love?

Here’s the thing:

We know you didn’t want your heart broken. We know that you didn’t plan on having things turn out the way they did.  We know that if you would have known better, you would have avoided the heartache from the start.

We also know that if you knew how to make changes on your own, you would.  We know that you simply would not continue making the same mistakes that have kept you feeling sad, lonely, and like maybe there really isn’t any hope for you when it comes to being happy and loved inside of a relationship if you could help it.

This is why we have created this program.

The “Ready to Love Again” 6-Week Course was designed specifically to help you identify what has been stopping you from moving forward in your love life.  In this program, you will identify and dismantle the fears, limiting beliefs, and patterns that you have been repeating over and over again so that you can create new and empowering thoughts and behaviors that will lead you to experiencing the love you want.

But you have to be willing to get out of your own way.

You have to be prepared to stop the self-sabotaging behaviors.

You have to be ready to allow love into your heart.


We’re here to help.


There is still time to register so that you can join us tomorrow< Wednesday, March 12th at 9:00pm ET for the first session.

There’s still time to get your questions answered and to move beyond the reasons, the excuses, and all of the limiting and disempowering thoughts that keep making you believe that this course won’t work for you. It WILL work for you if you allow it to, if you’re willing to do the work, and if you let us guide you through the process of preparing yourself to welcome love – real, reciprocated, and extraordinary love – into your life.

The choice, as always, is yours.

If you’re ready to take a bold step toward creating a brand new future, then sign up now for the “Ready to Love Again” 6-Week Course.

If you have questions, stop hiding out, blending into the background, and pretending like what you want isn’t important, because it is!  Just email us and let us know what questions you need answered so that we can get you registered into the course and into our online community right away!

Be bold. Be courageous. And be there tomorrow for Session 1!


We love you and can’t wait to begin this journey with you!