by Gladys Diaz

Have the Love of Your Dreams_FDP_ID-10075140

One of the first questions I ask a woman who I’m speaking to for the first time is, “What do you want?”

Typically, if the woman is single, she’ll respond that she wants to be in a relationship.

If she’s already in a relationship or married, she’ll say she wants to have a good relationship with her boyfriend or husband.

Sounds pretty clear, right?  Wrong!

Saying that you want to be in a relationship is to general, too broad.  Do you want to be in just any relationship?  For example, do you want to be in a relationship where you’re always wondering whether or not he really loves you, whether you can trust him, and whether the relationship is going anywhere permanent? Or do you want to be in a relationship where you know every moment of every day that the man you love loves, cherishes, and wants to be with you and only you?

Even saying that you want to have a good relationship isn’t clear enough, either.  What does “good” mean, for you?  Does it mean simply not fighting?  I’ve worked with women who live in a “peaceful” household, simply because she and her husband rarely look at or speak to one another.  Plus, why settle for “good,” when you can have “amazing,” “unbelievable,” and “extraordinary” love?

When you think about what you want when it comes to relationships, you need to be crystal-clear.  Now, this doesn’t mean that you create a 100-point check system, where the man you’re with has to meet all of the listed criteria.  In fact, this has nothing to do with the man!  It has to do with what you want to experience in a relationship.

So, how do you get crystal-clear about the experience you want to have in the relationship?

1. Admit you want to be in a loving relationship.  This one’s for the single ladies and  those who are in a relationship that’s not quite where you’d like it to be right now.  Too many women claim that they are “fine” without being in a loving relationship. And they probably are.  But, if you’re like me, I want more than just a “fine” life.  I want an amazing, extraordinary life that includes the experience of loving and being loved by someone every day of it!  Admitting that you want to be loved does not make you weak or any less capable or powerful. It just makes you human!  So, go ahead! Admit that you want to be loved, desired, and adored!

2. Create a vision of the experience you want to have in the relationship.  It isn’t enough to use words like, “good,” “happy,” or “fun.”  What does good, happy, and fun look like, sound like, and feel like?  How do you feel when you’re together? What is the visible evidence of your happiness, excitement, and connection?  Have fun with this!  It’s your vision, your dream, your love story!  Go as big and as bold as you want!  The great news is that it’s completely yours to create and manifest, so make sure you’re inspired by your vision!

3.       Share your vision with others.  The relationship of your dreams shouldn’t be the world’s best-kept secret!  If you want to begin living that experience you’ve created, tell people about it.  Choose 2-3 people who you trust and who will pull for and stand for you to have that.  People who love you want to see you happy. Let them know about the happiness you want to experience in a romantic relationship.

 This is just the beginning of the type of work we do with our clients.  There’s a much deeper process that includes removing the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that are standing in the way of you actually believing that this kind of relationship is possible and that it’s possible for you!

If you’re single, and you live in the S. Florida area, then you’re in luck, because we’ll be going deep into this exercise tomorrow, Saturday, April 6th, at the “Attract & Marry the Man Who’s Right for You” 1-Day Workshop.  We’ll be removing all of the invisible barriers standing between you and the love you want to experience every day for the rest of your life!  We’ll be replacing those fears with empowering beliefs, affirmations, real-life practices, and new and empowering habits that will take you from where you are to the relationship of your dreams!

For more information about the workshop and to register (there are still a few seats left), just click here NOW.

Girlfriends, and wives, don’t worry! Your workshop is coming soon! Make sure to subscribe to receive our newsletter so that you don’t miss out on the workshop that will take your existing relationship from where it is to a whole new level of amazing!

Bottom line: You deserve to experience the love your heart desires, but you’ve got to be crystal-clear about what that is.  So, admit you want it, envision it, share it, and soon you’ll be living it!


Here’s to a future filled with breath-taking, amazing and extraordinary love!


Questions? Comments?  Let us know below! We love hearing from you!


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