by Gladys Diaz

Take action

I’m so excited! This week my husband booked us on a Disney Cruise – something I’ve been saying I want to do for seven years!

I’m seriously so excited I have no idea how I’m going to keep this surprise from my kids a minute longer!

Seven years is a long time to wait for something. There have been times when I thought it was never going to happen. I mean, we’d talk about going – a lot. We’d look at the dates and prices online, and talk about booking the cruise. We’d even set a date and then see that date come and go.


What was missing?

Committed action!


See, wanting to go on a cruise is not enough.

Talking about wanting to go on a cruise is not enough.

Even setting the dates and researching the prices isn’t enough.

To go on a cruise, you actually need to reserve your date and pay the price!


The same holds true when it comes to having the type of relationship you really want.

You’ve been waiting to be in a real, loving, passionate relationship for probably as long as you can remember.

Wanting to be in a relationship is great, but if you’re not out there, meeting new men and dating successfully, it’s not going to happen.

Talking about how much you want to be in a great relationship is not the same as knowing the skills it takes to make a relationship work.

Reading books, attending webinars, and bookmarking articles about how to have a successful, lifelong relationship is not the same as working with someone 1-on-1 who can help you identify what’s been stopping you from attracting the love you want and then help you create that relationship in your own life!

The only way to be in the relationship you want is to take committed action and begin creating that relationship now!

This is what I help women do in my private coaching program. In this program, I help you identify:

  • What’s stopping you from experiencing the love you want
  • What you need to do to remove those blocks
  • The steps you need to take so that you can finally have the relationship you want

Because of the high level of support and attention I give my private clients, I’m only able to accept a few women into the program at a time. Right now, the program is almost full, so, if you know that you’re tired of talking about the kind of relationship you want and you’re ready to take committed action toward making your dream a reality, then reserve a spot for a complimentary Ready to Love Session now!


Think about it…

Six months from now you could be talking about the relationship you’re in, instead of the relationship you want. I’d love to help you make that dream come true! Reserve your spot now!