by Gladys Diaz

Quick question:

Do you find yourself thinking about how your man isn’t giving you the time and attention you want – whether it’s someone you’re dating, your boyfriend, or your husband?

Even worse… Do you allow those thoughts to pop out of your mouth in the form of statements like:

“We never spend any quality time together?”

“You have time for everyone and everything else, except me!”

“Why don’t you want to spend time with me anymore?”


While it may seem as if you are simply “being honest” or “sharing your feelings,” the truth is that there are a few words that describe those kinds of statements: nagging, complaining, and criticizing.


Now, before you scroll down to write a comment to tell me off or give me all the reasons why this IS how you feel, hear me out.

I get that you want to spend more time with him. Chances are that, when you see him spending less time with you, it triggers some fears and doubts in you about how he really feels about you.  In fact, you may even have asked him how he feels about you (something I’ll cover in another post!). 

I really do hear you. 

However, consider that those statements, while they may be said with underlying valid feelings and desires, they don’t communicate the real feelings and thoughts underneath the complaints.  Instead, they communicate:

“You’re wrong.”

“I’m needy.”

“It’s your responsibility to make me happy.”


So, how can you say what you feel WITHOUT nagging, complaining, or pushing your guy away?

Say some simple and clear messages such as:

“I miss you.”

“I feel lonely.”

“I love spending time with you.”


I know… Those are pretty vulnerable statements and it’s scary to be vulnerable, especially if you’re questioning how he feels about you.

However, if you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and breathe deep into your heart for just a minute, you’ll see the truth in them: This is how you really feel.

What’s even better, if you share your feelings with him this way, he’ll actually be able to hear you!

And that’s what you really want, right?


See, the truth is that there isn’t a man on this planet who has EVER been inspired by nagging, criticism, or complaining. 

These statements are simply not inspiring or motivating. In fact, you’ve probably noticed that they have the opposite effect, making him pull further away from you, and they don’t really do much to change the situations… Which has you bring it up again, and again, and again, with NO different results.

If this has been your experience, we’d like to invite you to try something different!

The next time you’re feeling as if your guy isn’t spending enough time with you, and you’re tempted to complain about it, I invite you to say something like:

“I miss you.”

“I’d love to spend time together.”

“I can’t wait to have some time alone.” 

These statements are A LOT more inspiring, they let him know how you are feeling, and they will allow him to hear you

Oh! And don’t be surprised if he begins spending more time with you!


If you’re feeling like you’re not getting the time and attention you want from your man and you’d like support and guidance on how to turn things around, we’ve opened up some time in our calendars for you to schedule a Love Breakthrough Session with one of us.

On this call, we’ll help you see what is getting in the way of you having the kind of experience you want to have in dating or your relationship, and we’ll create a step-by-step plan for you to follow so that you being to experience the love and happiness your heart desires!

CLICK HERE to schedule your Love Breakthrough Session!

Love, dating, and relationships do NOT have to be hard.  They are easy when you know exactly what to do and say to get the results you want without having to force, nag, or “get him” to do what you want!  Let us help you!

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Session and get the love you want!