by Gladys Diaz

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Yesterday  I attended Social Media Day Miami, an amazing event organized by a group of community volunteers who believe in the power of social media for connecting, sharing your message, making a difference, and building your business.  Many of the organizers belong to the Social Media Club of South Florida, the group that the set the 30-Day Blogging Challenge in which I’ve been participating.

I attended the event to learn how I can continue to use social media to connect with women from around the world who are interested in not only attracting a good man into their lives, but building an extraordinary relationship that lasts for a lifetime.  Surprisingly, however, some of the best lessons I learned had nothing to do with social media. 

They didn’t even take place during the sessions.  They happened spontaneously in the hallways talking with some of the men who attended the event.

They were lessons about how men feel about being married; how they see their roles as fathers; and how, when a man is really interested in a woman, there is nothing that he’ll let get in the way of being with her.


Lesson #1: Men Love Being Happily Married

The first teachable moment occurred as I was on my way to a session.  I happened to stop to say hello to a very good friend of mine who just happened to be talking about me to two young men and a lady.  She was telling them about how the coaching she’d received from me and Heart’s Desire International had helped her get in touch with her feminine energy and attract an incredibly wonderful man into her life!

I was so surprised to see how excited the two guys were about the work that I do.  They wanted to know more about it, and then Lesson #1 came.  One of the men said, “You know what I didn’t know.  That when you get married (pointing at his wedding ring), it just gets better!”

This is why, when I introduce myself as a dating and relationship coach, and a woman quickly (and, sometimes nervously) says, “Oh, I’m happily married!” – as in: “I don’t need your business card.  Nothing’s wrong here! Thank you!”) – I tell her “That’s great!  Here’s my card!  I also specialize in teaching women how to keep the love and passion alive in their relationships so that they can stay happily married for a lifetime!”

It was great to hear a man speak so excitedly about love and relationships, and even more heartwarming to hear him speak about being married as the best thing that ever happened to him.  That, ladies, is one of the best compliments a woman can ever get!


Lesson #2: Men Take Their Roles as Fathers Seriously

As another friend and I were talking to two other men later in the day, the conversation turned to marriage and parenting (I can’t help it!  I’m a magnet for these conversations!)

It was absolutely inspiring when the men began talking about their children and how they see their roles as fathers.  One of the men shared how, he’s not so concerned about his kids getting a good job and succeeding.  He said that those things will fall in place.  Instead, he said he wants them to become “good people.” He wants them to honor God and just be good people.  And the passion with which he spoke let you know just how committed he was to being the role model for them to follow.

The other man shared how for him it’s important that his kids be open to all different types of people.  He and his wife come from completely different cultural backgrounds, and he wants his children to be exposed to as many cultures, foods, and experiences as possible.  He told us how every weekend he and his family spend time with other families from different backgrounds, eating cultural foods, and just learning about one another.  He, too, was passionate as he spoke, and it was so great to see a man taking on that role of leader and teacher in his family.  And, for the second time that day, I heard a man say that being married and having a family were the best things that had ever happened to him!

Both these men left me inspired.  Not because this is something that is rare.  There are billions of other dads out there who are just as loving, committed to their families, and who take their responsibility as fathers seriously. What inspired me was how willing they were to be so open and vulnerable and the pride with which they spoke of their children at a business event.  I was really moved and said a prayer of thanks for my own husband who had stayed home with our kids so that I could attend the event!


Lesson #3: When a Man is Really Interested in You, He Won’t Let Anything Stand in His Way

One of the two men who was sharing about his role as a father, also shared the story of how he and his wife met and got together. (I told you – I’m a magnet for these types of stories!)

He told us how, after feeling some attraction to her, he organized a business event halfway across the country, just so that he could see her.  Then, when she mentioned she’d be bringing a male friend to their first lunch, he assumed it was her boyfriend, and begged his business partner to go with him so that it wouldn’t be too awkward. She never did bring the other man to the lunch (and he ended up being just a friend), but he’d already made up a story in his head that she wasn’t interested. He shared how he felt so foolish for having thought that there would be anything between them and how he came home feeling like the trip had been a waste of time.

A few weeks later, when she was flown in to his city by her company, he told us how he felt he had to rent a car because his was so beaten up and he didn’t want her to see it.  (He also told the hilarious story of how he tried to get the rental car key chain off to no avail and how he had to drive while trying to hide it!).

He took a lot of heat from his business partner for planning a business event in another city, taking someone with him on that trip, and now wanting to spend more company money on a rental car – all for a woman! But this man had a feeling.  Not a guarantee.  Not a solid sign from the universe.  He just had a feeling that this woman was worth his efforts. And he was willing to do what he could to see if maybe there was something there for her, too.

The sweetest part of the story was when he told about the moment where he knew there was something between them.  She reached out for his hand to let him smell the body lotion she was trying on her hand, and he that when she touched his hand, he felt something and he just knew.  (How romantic is that!?!)

He shared how they went through the challenges of a long-distance relationship, had their ups and downs, and even broke up during the course of their relationship.  But today, they are together and happily married with four children!

What was fascinating to me and my friend was how this man, who knew there were no guarantees about actually getting together with this woman was willing to do what he could to be with her.  And the best part was that the woman in this love story didn’t have to do anything.  She was just being herself.  She didn’t have to say or do anything to get him to like her.  He was attracted to her and who she was, and he figured out a way to be with her.

That’s why being your most natural, feminine self is one of the best ways to attract really great men into your life.  Smile, flirt, and let who you are shine through. That’s how the man who is already looking for you will be able to recognize you so that he can walk across the room (or fly across the country) to come speak to you!  That’s also why, if you are single and you haven’t already signed up for the “Meet Mr. Right-for-You” Video Training Series, I invite you to do that now! In this 3-part video series, you’ll learn more about how to meet more great men, have more fun while dating, and move past the excuses that are stopping you from having the love story your heart desires!

And, if you’re married or in a relationship, stay tuned, because your video series on how to create a love that lasts for a lifetime is coming soon!  Make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter list so that you can hear about when that series is released!

The Social Media Day Miami event was a huge success, both in and outside of the sessions!  From the presenters, I left with some really great ideas on how to use social media to build my brand, reach more hearts, and make a bigger difference in the world.    I was able to connect with new people and reconnect with friends I’ve grown to love (many of which our friendships began or have grown thanks to social media). And, in the hallways, I got a peek into the hearts of three men who were more than happy to share the love they have for their wives and families.

Yep!  To me, that made for an incredibly successful day!


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