by Gladys Diaz


Today marks the end of the 21-day Self-Love Secret Challenge we’ve been sharing with some of the women in our community. I’m a mushball,  so, any time a course comes to an end, I tend to get a little weepy. I used to hide that side of me – pretending I was tough. Now, what you see is what you get! I’m sentimental, I tear up at the slightest hint of happiness or love. And I love that about me!

It’s been an amazing 21 days shared with equally extraordinary women, and I have to admit that, while Michelle and I were leading the daily challenges, I learned several of my own lessons in self-love over the past few weeks!
For example, I noticed how…

…I sometimes speak negatively to myself when I make a mistake…

…when I’m really busy, there are times when I will sacrifice my self-care…

…when I’m not hitting all of my goals, I tend to compare myself to others…

…when I’m feeling down, I’ll want to hide away from others… especially those who love and want to help me me most…

Thankfully, over the 21 days, there was a Self-Love Challenge that dealt with each of these situations.

One day, we wrote love letters to ourselves…

We spoke words of love and affirmation when we caught ourselves thinking or speaking negatively of ourselves to ourselves or others.

We allowed ourselves to receive love, kindness, gifts, and compliments from those around us…

And each day, for 21 days, we focused on the qualities that make each of us unique, those qualities that bring love and beauty, and life to the world simply because we exist!

(By the way, when was the last time you gave yourself 21 days of pure love?)


Taking this journey along with the women who joined the Self-Love Secret Challenge affirmed for me even further that the self-love IS the secret to attracting and experiencing more love in your life!

When you love yourself fiercely and you acknowledge that who you are is already lovable and already worthy of all the happiness your heart desires, you radiate love and you teach others how to treat and love you!

It’s amazing and miraculous, and you deserve nothing less!

No matter how successful and confident you are, there may be times when you slip into negative self-talk, when a fear is triggered, or self-doubt is sparked.  That doesn’t make you weak.  It just makes you human. It’s in those moments when you want to give yourself and extra dose of self-love.

Do something special for yourself.

Think of a time when you felt a surge of confidence and pride in yourself.

Remind yourself that you are LOVE-ABLE: Able to love and be loved!


So, if today is one of those days when you’re feeling down, like you’re not at your best, or maybe you’re feeling downright unlovable, I invite you to do one of our Self-Love Secret Missions:

  • Set your timer for 1 minute.
  • Take a look in the mirror and look deeply into your own eyes.
  • As you look at yourself, simply say the words, “I love you” aloud, over and over again, until the minute is up.
  • Allow whatever feelings that begin to bubble up to come up.
  • Allow yourself to feel love from the person with whom you will have the longest love affair of your life: YOU!
  • Then let me know what the experience was like for you!  How did you feel during the exercise. Did those feelings change as the time went by?  Were any emotions triggered for you?

And, if you find that your heart is feeling so heavy that you can’t even bring yourself to do the exercise, hit “reply” anyway, and tell me what’s going on.  Let me be there for you!
Allowing others to love you and allowing yourself to receive love is one of the most loving things you can do for yourself!!

Either way, I want to hear from you!  I love seeing your name in my Inbox! 🙂

Comment below or send me an email:
Oh!  And, no matter what, always remember that YOU ARE LOVED!