by Gladys Diaz

The Most Important Relationship Skill Nobody’s Taught You

If you’re like most women we know, you’ve read the books, listened to the podcasts, joined webinars, and attended courses to learn what it is that it takes to “get a great man” or “get your ex back.”

There is absolutely no shortage of “rules,” tips, tricks, and strategies to “get a man” to choose and love you.

However, the very term of “getting” someone to do something implies that the other person doesn’t want to do the thing you want them to do.

Think about it… If you have to “get” someone to do something, that means  that –

  • there is something that the other person is resisting
  • you are doing all the “hard work”
  • there is not a natural flow or ease present – you are having to manipulate or force something to happen in order to get the result you want

I don’t know about you, but when I think about being in love with someone, I don’t want to have to work hard, AND I don’t want to have to force or convince him to want to love me.

So, how do you easily and effortlessly attract a man who can’t resist you and can’t imagine his life without you?

Well, the first thing you do is stop trying so hard to “get” love, and, instead, start tapping into your Irresistible Essence.  This is the natural and innate power you have to attract to yourself anything your heart desires – love, prosperity, health – anything.

Due to all of the internal programming you’ve undergone over the course of your life, there are certain things you need to “de-program” or “unlearn” before you can learn the skill of tapping into your Irresistible Essence.

Here are just 2 of the ones that MOST impact strong, successful women:

The Danger of Being Independent

Today, more than ever before in history, women are efficient, capable, and empowered to do and have whatever they want on their own.

We have more opportunities than ever to climb the corporate ladder, have our own businesses, and do work that inspires and fulfills us.  No longer does a woman have to depend on a man for her financial stability or survival.

While we still have a way to go when it comes to having true equality, we can’t ignore the signs pointing to the fact that the Dali Lama was correct when he said that the world would be saved by the Western woman.

The downside to this however, is that, inside of discovering that they don’t “need a man” to have the kind of life they want, many women have become so incredibly independent that they have lost touch with their desire to share their lives with a man.

See, there is a big difference between feeling as if you need someone to complete your life and wanting someone to share your amazing life with.

Being so independent that you deny the fact that you want to share your life with a great partner is a form of self-sabotage.  While you have some of what you want, you simply won’t feel completely fulfilled if you are denying yourself one of your heart’s desires.

And when this is the case, you actually limit your potential for attracting and manifesting in the other areas of your life, including your career!

The Pretense of Independence

This obsession with being independent also creates a need to pretend to want or not want other things, as well.

For example, please explain why women continue to pretend to want to pay for their half of the bill at the end of a date?

If you’re 100% honest with yourself, you know you don’t want to pay that bill! So why are you reaching for your purse, asking him if he wants you to pay, and then judging him when he says, “Yes”?

Another example: Why do some women feel it’s necessary to pretend that they can do everything themselves?

Look, no one is questioning your ability to care and provide for yourself.  No one is questioning that you are a capable, competent woman.

However, just because you are able to do it all yourself, doesn’t mean you have to prove that – especially not in a relationship!

When you are in a relationship, you switch from it being a “me” to a “we.”  That doesn’t mean you lose your identity or autonomy.  It simply means that, while you probably can do it all on your own, in a relationship, you don’t have to.

Plus, it’s okay to allow a man to court and cherish you.  It doesn’t minimize your abilities or competencies. It simply allows you the pleasure of receiving his love, attention, and affection. Why would you want to pretend to not want that?

So, how do you continue being a successful woman AND tap into your Irresistible Essence?

The first step is to tune in and see what some of the fears are around admitting that sharing your life with a great man is something you really want. That takes courage and vulnerability, but as a strong woman, it’s nothing you need to be afraid of. It’s inside of your vulnerability and authenticity that your Irresistible Essence is unleashed!

Yes, embrace your talents, abilities, and successes. Celebrate them! You’ve earned it!

However, remember that, unlike at work, you don’t have to “prove” yourself in order to be loved by the right man. All you need to do is be yourself and allow him the pleasure of getting to know the woman beneath the unstoppable exterior so that he can love that side of you, too!

Without acknowledging the desire to love and be loved and creating space in your life and heart to allow that love to make its way to you, you are actually sabotaging your ability to easily attract it into your life.

And the only way to do that is to acknowledge the desire and then learn how to break down the walls of independence so that you can allow love and partnership to make their way to you.

Being both a strong and independent woman, and a woman who is confident enough to be soft and create an interdependent relationship with a man is empowering and a relationship skill you probably didn’t know you didn’t know.

The irony in this is that it’s one of the most important keys to creating and keeping a happy, loving relationship that fulfills and inspires you for a lifetime!

And, in your heart of hearts, isn’t that what you truly want?

If so, email us and let us know what your vision for having a happy, loving relationship is!  We’ll personally respond with what we think your next best steps should be!