by Gladys Diaz

If your inbox is anything like mine, you have been flooded with emails and videos over the past few days about how to make 2015 your year!

I don’t know how you’ve been receiving the messages, but each time I receive one of them, I affirm, “Yes, it is! My dreams are coming true!”

Did you notice how I stated those affirmations using positive words and in present tense?

Those are just two of the keys to anchoring a statement regarding a goal, dream, or resolution so that you are already living into making it come true!

Click on the image below to watch a video Michelle shot for you from one of her dreams come true and read on to learn more about the keys to making a goal or resolution a reality!


Key #1: State your goal, dream, or resolution using positive words.

Did you notice how Michelle said, “Someday I’m gonna’ come back”?

She didn’t say, “Someday I hope I can come back,” or “I wish I could come back someday.” She said, “I’m gonna’ come back!” And that’s exactly what she did!

When we state a goal, resolution or affirmation using positive words – words that focus on what we do want, rather than on what we don’t want or are afraid might happen or not happen, our mind grabs onto, or “anchors,” that statement and translates it into a command.

See, your brain believes what you tell it to believe. If you continuously feed it fears, doubts, limiting beliefs, resentments and regrets, that’s what it will grab onto and make happen. It’s why you may be wondering why it is that certain people and situations keep showing up and repeating themselves in your life.

Making a dream or a resolution a reality begins with believing that it can happen. And, sometimes, that means repeating the statement over and over again until you actually begin to believe what you keep telling yourself.


Key #2: State your goal, dream, or resolution in the present tense, as if it is already happening!

Rather than saying, “Maybe one day I will find someone and have a good relationship” declare what will happen: “Someday, I will have the relationship of my dreams!”

Want to make your statement even more powerful? State it as if it is already happening: I am creating the relationship of my dreams!

This may seem “woo-woo,” like wishful thinking, or as if you are lying to yourself…

Let me be clear.

When you are telling yourself things like, “There is something wrong with me,” or “Maybe I’m just not meant to be in a happy relationship,” or “There’s no way this relationship will ever get better,” you are lying to yourself!

And, what’s worse, not only are you affirming what you don’t want, but you are believing it!

Retraining your brain to create, declare, and manifest what you want takes some “rewiring,” but it’s not that difficult to do, once you know the steps to take.

These are just 2 of the keys you’ll learn about on how to manifest your goals and resolutions during the 2015 Love Resolution Workshop we’ll be hosting on January 24, 2015, and it’s why we want you to join us!

You’ll also learn other keys, such as how to create a vision of what you want your love life to be like and how to plan for success, so that you are living your resolution every day of 2015!

This will be a wonderful, life-changing experience, and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Just click here to register now!

We are close to being sold out and we don’t want you to miss out, so register now and then check your email for important information regarding the event!

One of our goals for 2015 is:

We are helping thousands of women around the world attract, create, and experience the life and love their hearts desire!

And we want you to be part of us making that resolution a reality!

Register now and let us know that you’re going to be part of us realizing our resolution!

Can’t wait to see you there!


Questions? Comments? Let us know below! We love hearing from you!