by Gladys Diaz

hands reaching out to one another_letting go_bing

When we begin a new relationship, we are so happy, hopeful, and excited about sharing our love and life with a wonderful man.  I honestly don’t know of anyone who gets into a relationship with the intention of causing themselves or the other person heartache.  We usually begin with the intention of making the relationship work.

That’s why there’s probably nothing more frightening than being in a relationship and noticing how the love, passion, and intimacy are beginning to fade away.  At first, it may not be very obvious. It can seem like your lives have just gotten busier with work, kids, and other responsibilities.  Maybe you’re not kissing, hugging or having as much sex as you used to, you’re not talking or connecting as often with one another; when you are talking, it seems like you usually end up in an argument.

I speak with women almost every day who are in this situation and who are wondering if there is any hope for their relationships. The women usually fall into one of these categories.

In Denial. 

If you’re in denial, then you’re ignoring the changes that are taking place.  You may be rationalizing and  telling yourself that this type of thing is “normal” in a relationship, that all relationships go through slumps, and that this is just a phase you and your guy are going through.

The problem with denial is that, in ignoring the fact that there may be a problem, you also avoid doing anything to fix or change what is happening. The likelihood that things are going to “just get better on their own” is slim to none.  Instead, the intimacy and romance will continue to deteriorate until nothing is left and you’ll find yourself asking yourself, “What happened? How did we get here?”


In Blame Mode.

If you’re in “blame mode,” then you’ve begun looking at all of the things the man you love is doing wrong to ruin the relationship.  Not only do you see everything he is doing and saying wrong, but you make sure you point it out to him every chance you get. You see where he’s not being loving or romantic, where he’s not making an effort to connect, where he’s not initiating sex.  It’s blatantly obvious to you that if he would just change, then the relationship would be fine.

The problem with being in blame mode is that you are making your man responsible for everything that is not going right in the relationship, and avoiding owning up to the role you have been playing in allowing things to get to this point.  Inside of blaming him, you don’t have to be responsible for what you are doing (or not doing) to impact the love and intimacy in the relationship.  Regardless of whether or not he is making some mistakes, the truth is that you can’t control or change him or what he’s doing.  The only person you can truly control is yourself.  So, until you begin owning the part you are playing in having your relationship unravel, you can’t do anything to turn things around.


Unsure of What to Do.

If you’re a woman in this category, it’s likely that you realize that your relationship is in trouble, you are willing to acknowledge that there are things you can do to change the dynamic of the relationship, but you don’t know what those things are or how to begin making the changes.   You may have tried some things on your own that either backfired or didn’t produce the results you hoped for.  You may be afraid to do anything because you are scared to mess things up even further.  Or you may really be afraid of trying to make changes, only to find that nothing changes.

This is the category of hope!  Where there is a willingness to change, change is possible!  Your uncertainty comes from not knowing where to begin.  So it stands to reason that with the right information, tools, and support, you will be able to make the changes that will help shift the dynamic in your relationship!


If you fall into either of the first two categories – denial or blame mode – pay close attention, because the truth is that if you continue ignoring the changes in your relationship, pretending they are not happening, waiting for him to be the one to make the first move, and/or thinking that things are going to get better on their own, you have to know that your relationship will continue to deteriorate and will probably end.

If, however, you are willing to admit that things are not going to get better on their own, acknowledge that there are changes that need to take place, and you’re ready to do the work it will take to turn things around and reignite the love, peace, and romance in your relationship, then reach out to me so that we can talk about where your relationship is, where you would like it to be, and what you can begin doing right away to create that shift!

I’ve reserved a few slots in my schedule next week to speak specifically to women who are ready to begin transforming their relationships.  

Just click here to  set up a time for a Love Clarity call!

You deserve to have the happy, fulfilling relationship your heart truly desires with the man you love! Let’s connect and talk about how you can make your dreams come true!


Questions?  Comments?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!