by Gladys Diaz


Today’s a pretty special day at Heart’s Desire International… It’s Michelle and Arnie’s 3rd Wedding Anniversary!

For those of you who are not blessed enough to know Michelle and Arnie, I can tell you that they are one of the most inspiring, couples in the world!  To see them together is to see what real, unconditional, and extraordinary love looks like!  They love and respect one another, are each other’s biggest fans, and accept one another exactly the way they are and exactly the way they are not!

While their relationship isn’t “perfect,” because neither one of them is, either, the love that they share is as close to perfect as it gets!

Now, you may be wondering how Michelle got so “lucky” to end up with such an amazing relationship and marriage?  You may think that she’s simply one of the lucky ones who just happened to land an amazing guy without having to go through any type of heartache.  And you’d be wrong.

To see her now as a confident, motivational leader who wins one award and recognition after another, and has helped hundreds of women around the world fall in love with themselves and the man of their dreams, you would never guess that just a few years ago she was feeling alone, rejected, and heartbroken.

See, Michelle fell in and got married at a very young age, and her marriage was far from the fairytale romance she lives now.  She and her ex-husband did not get along, did not know how to communicate with one another, and, after 13 years of fighting and chipping away at the love they once had, they divorced.

When she began dating again, Michelle will be the first to tell you that she had no idea what she was doing.  And because her self-esteem was on the floor and she was looking outside of herself for validation, she dated some pretty bad frogs.  At that time, she didn’t honor and love herself, so it was impossible for her to attract a man who would love and cherish her.  She tried to create a relationship with men who were clear they did not want to commit, she stayed in dead-end relationships for longer than she should have, and she allowed men to treat her poorly.

It wasn’t until Michelle began practicing the skills we now teach women world-wide that she began to fall in love with herself. She began to realize that she was worthy of love, that she was loveable, and that she could have and deserved the type of happy, peaceful, loving relationship she had always dreamed of.

It wasn’t long before she began enjoying dating because she started attracting some really wonderful men into her life who treated her like the princess she is.  She was able to have fun, meet different types of guys and have the really wonderful “problem” of having to choose which of these great guys she wanted to date exclusively!  Arnie was one of those guys.

But their love story wasn’t always smooth sailing.  While dating, Arnie had moments when he wasn’t sure he wanted to be in a committed relationship, so they would stop seeing each other.  But Michelle would not go into a cave and hide until he was ready to tell her that he wanted to be in a relationship with her.  She continued dating, attracting more generous, affectionate men of great character into her life, and, when he did come back, she had the choice of whether or not she would let him back into her life and her heart.  And she did.

Today, she has the experience of waking up and falling asleep in the arms of the man she loves and who loves her with every part of his being.  They laugh, love, grow, and dedicate their lives to empowering people to create the life and love of their dreams!

Michelle can tell this story so much better than I can (and I love hearing it!), so, if you’d like to learn more about how she turned her dating experience from one of pain and tears to one of constant tears of joy, join us tomorrow night, Thursday, February 13th, at 9:00pm ET.  We will be offering a FREE webinar called “Ready to Love Again.”

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What makes it difficult to move beyond the heartache of a breakup
  • The steps you can take to move beyond your heartache and toward a new future filled with LOVE
  • How to begin attracting new love into your life NOW!

 Just click here to register!


Michelle’s love story is beautiful, and yours can be, too!

Let’s start writing the first chapter together tomorrow night, at the “Ready to Love Again” webinar!


Congratulations, Michelle and Arnie!  And thank you for inspiring us with your love and who you are as individuals and as a power couple!