by Gladys Diaz

Last night was rough.  We dropped my older son off at Church and I watched him leave on a big white bus without me – for a week!

Now, I know that there are millions of parents out there doing the same thing this summer. And I know he’ll have fun. And I know that it’s normal to miss him.

Knowing all of that simply didn’t lessen the pain and sadness of missing him last night.  It also didn’t lessen the fear I felt.

See, the truth is that, aside from missing him, I’m afraid.

Nico and me

My son has Asperger’s Syndrome – a mild form of autism that affects his social skills – so it takes a lot of courage and faith for me to be able to let go and trust that he will be okay when I’m not there at his side.I’m afraid of not being there with him while he’s thousands of miles away.  I don’t like knowing that I won’t be there to protect and reassure him if something goes wrong or he makes a mistake. I won’t be there to buy him something I may have forgotten to pack.  I won’t be there if he needs or misses me.So, I cried myself to sleep last night, and I prayed a lot

As I prayed, I reminded myself that I trust myself enough to know that I made a good choice in letting him go on the trip. 

I reminded myself to trust the leaders who reassured me time and again that they would be looking out for him, would make sure he’s okay, and would keep me posted as to how he’s doing.

I reminded myself that this kid is extraordinary and never ceases to amaze me in how he does not let autism stop him – ever!  


His courage and willingness to try and move beyond his fears inspire me every day to trust myself and break through my own fears!

I reminded myself that I want my son to have these experiences because I want him to learn to trust himself, too. I want him to see that he is able to get through difficult times, that he’s capable of solving problems and making good choices, and that he can have fun, even if everything does not go exactly according to plan.  

So, in the end, I chose to trust!

So, what about you?

Where are you not trusting yourself or others?

Where are you allowing your fears to stop you and get in the way of experiencing the love and happiness you want and deserve?

Where are you not letting go and allowing yourself to take a risk when it comes to love?

I want to invite you to trust yourself. You may have made mistakes before, and maybe you made some choices that didn’t turn out exactly the way you thought they would, but you can learn to trust yourself again.

If you want to learn to trust yourself again but have questions about how to do that, I want to invite you to join us for a very special “Love Breakthrough” Live Q&A Call Michelle and I are hosting on Tuesday night at 9:00pm Eastern!

On this call we will be answering your questions about love, dating, and relationships.

No questions are off the table and we have a special gift for those who attend the call, so make sure you are there!

<<Click here to join us on this special call!>>

Listen, I know you’re scared.  I know that it can be scary to trust yourself enough to open your heart to someone enough to let them in.

I also know you deserve to love and be loved, and Michelle and I want to be there for you and help you break through your fears so that can begin to experience life and love on a whole new level! 

Helping you have the love you want is what we live for, so join us on Tuesday night!

 HDI Love Breakthrough Q&A Call2

On this call, we will be answering YOUR questions about love, dating, and relationships.
  • What’s your greatest fear when it comes to love and relationships?
  • What patterns keep showing up in your relationships?
  • What’s causing you the biggest amount of pain right now in your love life?
  • Where do you feel “stuck” and unable to move forward, toward new love?