by Gladys Diaz

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There’s probably nothing more frustrating, depressing, and debilitating than the idea that you can’t change your circumstances – particularly when it comes to your love life.

When things aren’t going the way you hoped they would – whether it’s due to a break-up, a “dry spell” in your dating life, or a relationship that has slowly (or rapidly) been losing its spark – this can leave you feeling hopeless and like there’s nothing you can really do to change what is happening.  This feeling of hopelessness then leads to you standing still and feeling “stuck” as you watch your life, hopes, and dreams unravel, while you silently wait for someone or something to magically appear to rescue you from your situation.

The bad news is: There is no cavalry coming to rescue you.

The great news is: You don’t need a cavalry! You have the power to turn things around!

So what are some signs that you’re stuck in your love life and what can you do to get unstuck and start living and loving again?

1. You keep hoping and wishing things will change on their own.

If it’s been a while since your last break up and you’re still holding on, waiting and hoping that he’ll change his mind and reconsider coming back to you; or you’re avoiding going out and meeting new people while you’re also complaining that you don’t want to be alone, you’re stuck!  Wishing, hoping, waiting, and complaining are not going to change a single thing about your situation.  The only way to create a change is to make a change!  And that means letting go of a man who does not see what he’s missing and is not trying to create a loving relationship with you, and going out so that you can attract one who will!

If you’re in a relationship and you’ve been ignoring the signs that he’s been distant and withdrawn, while silently wondering where the romantic, loving guy you used to know is going to return, you’re stuck! Ignoring the signs that your relationship is changing is not going to make that romance reappear.  This doesn’t mean you begin hounding him about it, issuing threats and ultimatums, or suggesting counseling. What it means is looking to see where you haven’t been being the woman he fell in love with and focus your attention there (See #2 for more about this).

2. You blame people and circumstances outside of yourself for the reason why you’re stuck.

Blaming the past, your parents, your ex, your circumstances, or anything outside of yourself for not being able to move forward is a sure way of staying stuck! Now, this doesn’t mean you blame yourself, either.  However, if you can take responsibility for the role you have played up to this point in having things turn out the way they are, you also get to take the credit for turning things around.

So, what are some of the things you haven’t been willing to do to make a change in your love life?  Where have you been pointing the mirror outside of yourself to avoid being responsible for taking a step toward having the life and love you say you want?  And, most importantly, what will your first step toward that life and love be?

3. You believe you “deserve” to be going through what you’re going through.

One of the “traps” that can keep you stuck is the idea that you somehow “deserve” to be sad and alone, rather than happy and fulfilled.  This has to do with how you see yourself.  And, the truth is that no one else is going to love and put you first until you love and put yourself first.

You were not placed on this earth to suffer, be alone, or feel unloved.  You are worthy, deserving, and were created to love and be loved!  If there is something you need to forgive yourself for, then be gentle with yourself, forgive yourself, and move on.  Grant yourself the permission to feel happy and allow the love deserve and desire to make its way into your life and heart!

4. You tell everyone who will listen about your heartache.

Perhaps the greatest trap of all comes from getting other people’s agreement about how right you are in feeling so sad and alone.  The people in your life love you, but they don’t always give you the advice you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and move on. They’ll listen to you complain (over and over again), they’ll nod as you “villanize” the person whose hurt you, and agree with you that he was a jerk, that you’ve had it rough, and that you are so right to feel the way you are feeling.  While talking about your feelings is helpful, repeating the story over and over again to gain sympathy and agreement moves nothing forward.  It keeps you replaying the same song about how you’ll never be happy or loved the way you want to be.  Truth be told, most of the time, your friends and family are going to tell you what you want to hear.  They will also advise you from their own fears and insecurities, which may not be the objective, life-changing type of counsel you need in order to make a real change in your life (See #5, below!).

5. You’d rather stay stuck than reach out for help.

Everything in life comes down to a choice.  You choose to be happy, or you choose to remain sad. You choose to cast blame and shame, or you choose to forgive.  You choose to give up, or you choose to stand for yourself and make the changes that are going to lead to you having everything your heart desires.

One real step you can take toward getting unstuck in your love life is to reach out for help from coach who can guide you toward releasing yourself from the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs of the past so that you can have a breakthrough in your love life and begin to experience the love, happiness, and romance you desire and deserve.

It’s difficult to see the ways you may be standing in your own way and blocking love from coming into your life.  It takes courage to change old beliefs, stop harmful patterns, and begin taking new, unfamiliar steps toward the love you’ve always wanted.

Michelle and I are committed that you get to experience every bit of love, happiness, and romance your heart desires.  We’re here to guide, encourage, and show you how you can transform your life.  But you have to be willing to take the first step by reaching out to us!

The only thing in this world we have the power to truly change is ourselves.

If you’re single and ready to love again, then your first step can choosing to join us for the “Ready to Love Again” 6-Week Course that begins on March 12th.  If you were unable to join us live for the “Ready to Love Again” Webinar we created to tell you a little more about the course, click here to request the recording.

If you’re in a relationship or marriage, and you’re ready to begin doing what’s in your control to turn things around so that you can create a happy, fulfilling relationship with the man you love, contact us now to set up a time to talk!

If you’re tired of being sad and alone, feeling helpless and hopeless, and wondering when the fear and anxiety will change into happiness and peace, then gather your courage and reach out your hand.  We’ve held the hands of hundreds of women around the world and we’d love to take yours and help guide you toward experiencing the life and love your heart desires!


Comments?  Questions?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!