by Gladys Diaz


I have to tell you that you have been on my mind constantly lately. 

I keep thinking about how important your love life is for you and how much you want to feel the love, happiness, and intimacy your heart desires.

If you’ve been reading some of our emails lately – which you probably have, if you’re reading this one – then you know that we are about to close the doors to our Ready to Love Again Program.

I really don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to release yourself from the past and all of the Love Barriers that have been blocking love from your life so that you can finally have the love you want and deserve,

Since I haven’t had an opportunity to speak personally with everyone who is interested in creating a radical shift in their love life, I thought that I would shoot a video asking some of the most common questions I’ve been getting during my conversations with women who are wondering, “What do I need to move beyond heartache and get ready to love again?


In this video, I answer questions like:

  1. How can I really let go of the past so that I can move forward in my life?
  2. How do I stop repeating the same patterns in relationships?
  3. How do I know if the Ready to Love Again Program will work for me?
  4. I’ve done a lot of other programs. How is this program different?
  5. What if I still love my ex?

Now, you may have a question that is not answered in this video, so, if you want to ask me a question, you can either send me an email and ask me your question, or you can set up a time for us to talk

But don’t wait, because the program closes at midnight on Monday and I have a few special bonuses for the next 3 women who jump in now!


Watch the video now and I look forward to hearing from you!



Because time is running out and there are so many people wanting to get in before the doors close, there may not be that many sessions available.  If you don’t find a time that works for you, send me and email and we’ll figure something out!  You and your love life are way too important to put this off, so click here to schedule time to talk now!