by Gladys Diaz

Let Love In2

A resounding theme keeps popping up in my Inbox, conversations with clients, and even on TV shows.  The theme is courage.

Any time we want to create something new in our lives – whether it’s transitioning to a new career, moving to a new home, or taking on a new goal or lifestyle – there will be fears that come up.  And the thought of starting a new relationship or restoring the intimacy in an existing relationship is no exception.  In fact, contemplating the possibility of letting love into our lives and hearts can be one of the most terrifying experiences we can have.


Well, because of our past.  Most of us have experienced some type of disappointment and heartache as a result of having allowed ourselves to love someone.  Sometimes the pain is a result of a betrayal, of poor timing, having fallen for someone who simply wasn’t right for us, or not having had the knowledge or awareness of how to make things work.

One of the first things we do when we begin working with clients is to help them see how their fears are actually causing them to reject and block the possibility of experiencing love.  We do a series of exercises where we help the person identify the fears, resentments, and regrets, and guide her through letting releasing and letting go of them so that she is able to create a space where love is able to flow freely to, through, and from  her. If you were on the “Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams” Teleclass, you experienced the power of this exercise for yourself!

It’s only when we release the heaviness of all of disempowering thoughts and negative beliefs from the past that we can feel free to let love in, here and now.


Are you ready to let love in?  If so, ask yourself:

  •  Am I willing to let go of resentment?  Is there a person (or persons) in your life who hurt, disappointed and/or betrayed you toward whom you’ve been holding onto the anger, pain, and resentment?  Are you willing to let that go?
  • Am I willing to face my fears and not allow them to choose for me? Too often, we’re allowing the fear of getting hurt again choose whether or not we’re willing to open up our hearts.  Unless we identify the fear as just a thought and not what’s actually happening right now, we will cheat ourselves out of the experience of loving and being loved.
  • Am I willing to let go of regrets?  Perhaps one of the hardest people to forgive is ourselves. We blame ourselves and make ourselves wrong for having said or done the wrong thing – or for not having said or done the right thing.  We punish ourselves by replaying our mistakes over and over again.  We create a story that we “deserve” to be alone or unhappy.  And we do this to protect ourselves, because as uncomfortable and lonely as it may be, at least we’re not risking our hearts again.


Maybe we did make some mistakes along the way. Perhaps we could have said or done something differently.  However, it’s also possible that lessons were learned and that we simply didn’t have the knowledge, skills, and awareness necessary to make different choices.

One of the best ways to gain new knowledge and skills and heighten your level of awareness is to work with a coach.  Every time I’ve invested in working with a coach, I have been able to completely transform different areas of my life.  Whether it’s been learning how to create a healthier lifestyle, causing breakthroughs in my personal and spiritual life, or creating growth in my business, I can trace the changes and results to my working directly with a coach to help make that happen.

This is why I believe so strongly in the power of coaching and why I’ve opened the doors to a new coaching and mentoring program that is going to provide you with the skills, insights, and practices that are going to help you create the type of relationship your heart desires.  I’m not talking about a program where you learn a bunch of cute and fun “dating tips” and strategies for getting a man to fall in love with you.

I’m talking about a partnership where you and I work together to break down the walls that have been stopping you from attracting the love that you want and being to put into practice the skills that will help you create a meaningful, fulfilling, loving, and intimate relationship with a man that lasts for a lifetime.


If you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and do the work that it takes to create new love or restore the love and intimacy that has been lost in your relationship, the Create Your Love Story program will provide you with the support, mentorship, and results you have been searching for.

Don’t allow your fears to stop you from actually living in the relationship you wish, pray and dream of.  That dream is in your heart for a reason.  You were created to love and be loved.

Now it’s time to get out of your own way and begin to completely transform your life and your experience of dating and relationships.

If you’re ready to begin, I’m ready to work with you!  Click here to begin creating your love story today!


Comments? Questions?  Let us know below! We love hearing from you!


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